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open-access-imgOpen AccessThe effects and potential of microglial polarization and crosstalk with other cells of the central nervous system in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Yi-Ge Wu,
Li-Juan Song,
Li-Jun Yin,
Junjun Yin,
Qing Wang,
Jie-Zhong Yu,
Bao-Guo Xiao,
Cun-Gen Ma
Publication year2023
Publication title
neural regeneration research
Resource typeJournals
Subject(s)alzheimer's disease , biochemistry , biology , central nervous system , crosstalk , disease , gene , immune system , immunology , inflammation , innate immune system , medicine , microglia , neuroinflammation , neuroscience , optics , pathology , phenotype , physics
SCImago Journal Rank0.93

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