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open-access-imgOpen AccessLong noncoding RNA Pvt1 promotes the proliferation and migration of Schwann cells by sponging microRNA-214 and targeting c-Jun following peripheral nerve injury
Bin Pan,
Di Guo,
Li Jing,
Ke Li,
Xin Li,
Gen Li,
Xiao Gao,
Zhi-Wen Li,
Wei Zhao,
Hu Feng,
Meng-Han Cao
Publication year2023
Publication title
neural regeneration research
Resource typeJournals
Subject(s)anatomy , biology , cancer research , competing endogenous rna , downregulation and upregulation , gene , genetics , long non coding rna , medicine , microbiology and biotechnology , microrna , neuroscience , pathology , peripheral nerve injury , pvt1 , regeneration (biology) , schwann cell , sciatic nerve , sciatic nerve injury
SCImago Journal Rank0.93

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