Recognition (remembrance) as mechanism in identifying the meaning of the liturgical elements in a worship service. It is indicated in research within the field of liturgical studies that participants, during worship services and while participating in all the liturgical elements, have to contend with the process of recognition. The author is conducting an investigation into the role of recognition in identifying the value of the liturgical moments during worship services, with a closer illustration of the introit and also the humbling and reconciliation service. The following research problem is stated for this research, namely: What impact has recognition (remembrance) on the meaning of elements familiar to the participants in identifying the value of the worship service? This investigation will be done from a practicaltheological vantage point with the integration of important principles. Recognition has to do with the remembering (re-collection) of familiar things, events and words during the worship service. The essence of remembering is to bring new meaning to and understanding of the liturgical elements. An intradisciplinary discourse with the fields of Church History and Cognitive Science will also take place. The concept of anamnesis will further be normatively examined from the angle of 1 Corinthians 11:25, also Hebrews 10:3, and the importance of anamnesis (remembering) will be brought to the fore. The moments of the introit, as well as moments of the humiliation and reconciliation service, are regarded as important for the dynamic and organic flow of the rest of the worship service. Practical-theological perspectives will be drawn from this exposition in order to indicate that it is important to reflect on the value of recognition in the act of liturgy.
Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article is undertaken from a practical-theological vantage point in order to highlight the importance of the concept of recognition for further research within the field of liturgics. In this article a discourse between Practical Theology, Church History and Cognitive Psychology is undertaken. Important aspects were indicated and also the importance of the concept of anamnesis. The importance of understanding and remembrance were also indicated. The concept of anamnesis was discussed according to 1 Corinthians 11:25 and Hebrews 10:3. Finally, practical-theological perspectives were offered in which the importance of recognition for certain liturgical elements was indicated. This particular study could possibly contribute towards better insight into the influence of remembrance in liturgy and also enable participants to understand the essence of liturgy during worship services.