LXX quotations in the Petrine and Pauline speeches in Acts. This article is an attempt to summarize the results of the author's doctoral thesis. Three aspects of the problem under investigation are discussed, i e the texthistorical, methodological and henneneutical aspects. The following became clear after analyzing the citations in the Petrine and Pauline speeches: (a) the reconstructed LXX Textvorlage which Luke has used, reflects a strong Semitic style; (b) some quotations were already used in pre-Lukan times, but seem to be checked and reinterpreted by Luke; (c) his use of Scripture functions on two levels: infonnative, focusing on the past with a strong christological trend, and nonnative, focusing on the present and future with an appealing nature for the current listeners/readers; and (d) Luke's understanding of Scripture fits in within his salvation history, presented from a Theo-centric perspective, pneumatological-prophetically mediated, and with emphasis on the eschatology, christology and soteriology.