Drie verskillende aspekte van die fisiologie van blomvorming by fotoperiodies sensitiewe plante word bespreek, naamlik die florigeenhipotese, fitochroom en die tydmetingsmeganisme van blomvorming en geneties molekulêre studies. Daar is baie bewyse dat die hipotetiese verbinding, florigeen, in plante voorkom, maar dit is nog nooit gekarakteriseer nie. Daar is ’n familie fitochrome in plante ontdek en sommige is gemoeid met die sirkardiese horlosie en dus met die tydmetingsmeganisme van blomvorming. Geneties molekulêre studies, alhoewel nog in ’n vroeë stadium, is besig om die molekulêre netwerke, wat onderling werksaam is op te klaar. Alhoewel florigeen met behulp van hierdie studies nog nie opgespoor kon word nie, is die toekoms rooskleurig.
A few aspects of the physiology of flowering in photoperiodic sensitive plants
Three aspects of the physiology of flowering in photoperiodic sensitive plants are discussed. These are the florigen hypothesis, phytochrome and the time measurement mechanism of flowering and genetic-molecular studies involved in flowering. There is evidence that the hypothetical compound, florigen, occurs in plants, but it has never been characterised. There is a family of phytochromes discovered in plants and some of them are involved with the circadian clock and thus with the time measurement mechanism of flowering. The molecular networks that interact to control flowering are being elucidated, by means of genetic-molecular techniques although at an early stage. It has not yet been possible to pinpoint florigen by these methods, but the future looks promising.