The construction and evaluation of a computerised concept attainment test. The principal objectives of the study were the computerisation of the Concept Attainment Test of Schepers (1971), and the determination of its reliability and validity. The computerised concept attainment test (CAT) was applied to 185 undergraduates in Informatics and Computer Science. For comparative purposes the original CAT was applied to 205 first-year students in Mathematics. For validation purposes the semester marks and examination marks of Informatics II and III, and of Computer Science II and III, were used. For Informatics II all the scores of the CAT correlated negatively with the second semester marks. None of the correlations with examination marks were statistically significant. No statistically significant correlations were obtained in respect of Informatics III. For Computer Science II "number correct" (Form A) correlated with all the semester and examination marks. No significant correlations were obtained in respect of Computer Science III.
Opsomming Die hoofdoelstellings van die studie was die rekenarisering van die Konsepverwerwingstoets van Schepers (1971) en die bepaling van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid daarvan. Die gerekenariseerde Konsepverwerwingstoets (KVT) is op 185 voorgraadse studente in Informatika en Rekenaarwetenskap toegepas. Vir vergelykingsdoeleindes is die oorspronklike KVT op 205 eerstejaarwiskundestudente toegepas. Vir geldigheidsdoeleindes is die semesteren eksamenspunte van Informatika II en III asook Rekenaarwetenskap II en III gebruik. Wat Informatika II betref het al die tellings van die KVT negatief met die tweede semester semesterpunte gekorreleer. Nie een van die korrelasies met die eksamenpunte was statisties beduidend nie. Geen statisties beduidende korrelasies is ten opsigte van Informatika III gevind nie. Vir Rekenaarwetenskap II het “getal korrek? (Vorm A) positief gekorreleer met al die semesterpunte en eksamenpunte. Geen statisties beduidende korrelasies is ten opsigte van Rekenaarwetenskap III gevind nie.