General life values: A pilot study amongst Afrikaans speaking students. Values have a great impact on human behaviour, also within organizations. It is also well known that values are in a constant state of change. This means that organisations have to be able to adapt to changing values on both the societal and individual levels. If one were to assume that university students are the leaders of the future and that they will therefore be able to influence changes in value systems, particularly organisational values, it becomes clear that greater awareness of the value systems of this group is important if organisations are to adapt in a proactive manner. In this study the terminal and instrumental values of Afrikaans speaking students were measured by means of the questionnaire developed by Rokeach. The results show a high degree of concordance between sexes and students studying different courses on both sets of values.
Opsomming Waardes het 'n groot impak op menslike gedrag, ook binne organisasies. Dit is ook bekend dat waardes deurentyd verander. Dit beteken dat organisasies by veranderende waardes op beide die individuele en gemeenskapsvlak moet aanpas. Indien aanvaar word dat universiteitstudente die leiers van die toekoms is en dus veranderinge in waardes sal kan bemvloed, veral organisasie waardes, is dit duidelik dat insig in die waardes van hierdie groep van waarde kan wees in die pro-aktiewe aanpassing van organisasies. In hierdie studie word die terminale en instrumentele waardes van Afrikaanssprekende studente gemeet met behulp van die vraelys wat deur Rokeach ontwikkel is. Die resultate dui op 'n hoe mate van ooreenstemming tussen verskillende geslagte sowel as studente uit verskillende studierigtings op beide stelle waardes.