Narrative asides in the narrative of the book of Revelation to John. Concerning the language (le parole) of the narrative of the book of Revelation, many ignorant and negative remarks have been thrown around. Therefore, to properly excavate the deadly accurate meaning of the narrative of the text requires narratological knowledge and skills from the informed linguist and exegete. Every hint of information to lighten up the text is very important. In the dramatic narrative of the book of Revelation we find most valuable references which have to be taken into consideration in analysing the text. They are called narrative asides, inter alia to awaken emotion in the reader, provide semantic explanations, give functional meaning to the sequence of the narrative or can just be causal. Combined with vocalisation these narrative aside enables the linguist and exegete hermeneutically to a better understanding of the message of Revelation and 4 Esra. The narrative of 4 Esra is chosen as a comparable and contemporary narrative to put the narrative of Revelation even more into narratological perspective.