The effect of financial trauma after retirement on selfworth. The South African community, as communities worldwide, is characterised by longevity. This results in a steadily increasing number of people still retiring in accordance with the current retirement policy at the ages 60 to 65 years, despite the higher life expectancy. The rising cost of living, unforeseen events and circumstances as well as the fact that retirees ‘outlive’ their retirement funds, result in an increased number of retirees experiencing financial need. In a recent study by the author the effect thereof, especially on self-worth, was investigated. It became evident that pastors are often not sufficiently informed or equipped to recognise and deal with the negative emotions experienced by elderly people who had not lived in chronic poverty, but had become impoverished after retirement. The urgent need for a better understanding of the causes and extent of financial trauma after retirement and the effect thereof on selfworth compelled the author to conduct an investigation into the matter with the aim of providing a holistic approach to pastoral guidance.