This article shows that church and society find themselves somewhere between the modern and postmodern eras. Postmodern thinking is becoming more and more prevalent. In the premodern era society was structured according to a strict hierarchy. In modern times people were placed in the hierarchical system on account of their instrumental value. Those considered to be of more worth dominated those of lesser value. In postmodern thinking hierarchy, dominance and value judgements of people are questioned. The article investigates the consequences of this shift for the disciplines of gender studies and pastoral counseling with women. It indicates how women are still caught up in various power systems and explores ways in which narratives of hope and transformation can assist women in finding healing and new possibilities in the church. The article consists of four sections in which the following are explored: scientific theories regarding pastoral counseling with women; the relationship between these theories and shifting paradigms; the effect of paradigms on pastoral counseling with women; an adequate model for pastoral counseling with women.