Background. Tuberculosis is the most frequent cause of death from a single infectious agent in humans and remains a serious global health problem. The latent tuberculosis (LTBI) treatment can prevent progression to active disease. People infected with LTBI are a dangerous reservoir, since any immunosuppressive factor can cause a reactivation of Mycobacterium leading to overt disease. Recent production and introduction into the healthcare system, on the other hand, are the IGRAs (Interferon-Gamma Release Assay). Materials and Methods. The QuantiFERON-TB Gold test is an ELISA assay of IFN-γ produced by sensitized lymphocytes that allows to overcome some limitations of Mantoux test, being an in vitro test with specific antigens for M. tuberculosis. In the present study we examined a population of 150 patients tested with the Mantoux test and the QuantiFERON-TB Gold test. The patients were divided into categories (contacts of the case, immigrants, health care personnel, and immunocompromised subjects in biological therapy). Results. The analysis of the obtained results from the comparison of the two tests showed a good concordance rate (47.3%) in the case of double positivity and detected the highest percentage of discrepancy in the profile QuantiFERON negative/Mantoux positive. Conclusions. Our results allow to state that remains valid and effective use of the QuantiFERON test, provided it is flanked by the Mantoux test and a medical history of patients.