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The use of co-digested solid fraction as feedstock for biogas plants
Author(s) -
Elio Dinuccio,
F. Gioelli,
D. Cuk,
Luca Rollè,
P. Balsari
Publication year - 2013
Publication title -
journal of agricultural engineering
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.3
H-Index - 18
eISSN - 2239-6268
pISSN - 1974-7071
DOI - 10.4081/jae.2013.355
Subject(s) - raw material , digestate , biogas , anaerobic digestion , silage , pulp and paper industry , biofuel , slurry , mesophile , fraction (chemistry) , waste management , bioenergy , reuse , environmental science , methane , microbiology and biotechnology , chemistry , food science , engineering , biology , environmental engineering , chromatography , organic chemistry , bacteria , genetics
A comparative study was set up in order to assess the technical feasibility of the long-term reuse of the mechanically separated co-digested solid fraction as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion plants (ADP). The biogas yields of two feedstock mixtures (A and B) were assessed in mesophilic conditions (40 °C ± 2 °C) using 8 lab-scale continuous stirred-tank reactors (CSRT). Feedstock mixture A (control) consisted of pig slurry (70%), farmyard manure (4%), sorghum silage (12%) and maize silage (14%). Feedstock mixture B was the same as the control plus the solid fraction derived from the mechanical separation of the output raw co-digestate collected on daily basis from the reactors. All reactors were fed simultaneously, three times a week, over a period of nine month. According to the study results, the reuse of the co-digested solid fraction as feedstock for ADP could increase the methane yield by approximately 4%. However, ADP efficiency evaluation (e.g., daily yield of methane per m3 of digester) suggest to limit this practice to a maximum time period of 120 days

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