Status osoba treće životne dobi prema obiteljskom zakonodavstvu
Author(s) -
Nenad Hlača
Publication year - 1994
Publication title -
revija za socijalnu politiku
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 1845-6014
pISSN - 1330-2965
DOI - 10.3935/rsp.v1i3.582
Subject(s) - croatian , medicine , philosophy , linguistics
Status osoba treće životne dobi u obitelji čije se mogućnosti i odgovornosti krajem dvadesetog stoljeća mijenjaju dovodi do potrebe da se društvo pripremi na preuzimanje zaštitnih funkcija i da ponudi pravne instrumente koji će omogućiti pomoć, predstavljanje i zaštitu interesa starih osoba. U osnovi pravnog statusa starih osoba ili osoba treće životne dobi mora biti temeljno ljudsko pravo na samoodređenje putem izjava volje. Kada je nesposobnost uključivanja u životne troškove prouzročena otežanom fizičkom pokretljivošću, predstavljanje volje moguće je putem punomoći. Vezu između nesposobne osobe i skrbnika trebalo bi graditi na odnosu presumiranog povjerenja koje je temelj punomoći. Država putem pravosudnih organa pridržava pravo intervencije radi zaštite interesa nesposobnih osoba, jer te osobe imaju ista prava kao i sva ostala ljudska bića, ali kad je potrebno imaju i pravo na stručnog skrbnika radi njihove dobrobiti i zaštite interesa.The status of persons in the third life-phase in the family, whose abilities and responsibilities at the end of the twentieth century have changed, has led to necessity of society undertaking some protective measures including legal instruments to ensure support, representation and protection of interests of the elderly. The basis of an elder’s legal status has to be the fundamental human right to self-determination through the expression of individual free will. When the inability to participate is caused by a difficulty in physical mobility, the expression of one’s own free will is provided for in a power of attorney. The relationship between a disabled person and his or her responsible others should be based on the presupposed trust which is the basis of a power of attorney. Through its judicial bodies, the state has reserved the right of intervention for the sake of protection of interests of disabled persons, who have the same rights as all other human beings. When necessary, these rights include access to a professional responsible other, who will care for their welfare and the protection of their interests