Purpose: In this article, we present a tool for assessing the performance of teamwork activities. The results obtained from this tool can be used to guide teamwork learning and mentor students by giving them feedback on their work.
Design/methodology/approach: The tool was based on a model of teamwork effectiveness from the literature. In this sense, analyzing a series of activities performed of by the same team can allow us to know whether the students involved in these activities are acquiring the ability to effectively engage in teamwork.
Findings: The tool was used with 53 teams in a Bachelor’s Degree Programme inIndustrial Engineering. In this case, the results were used to analyze whether theproposed tool is suitable for assessing teamwork effectiveness in the university context.
Practical implications: This tool will serve to provide feedback to students about the acquisition of their teamwork competency throughout the course of a Bachelor’s Degree.
Social implications: Teamwork is a professional ability required by a great number of organizations, and universities should incorporate the development and assessment o fteamwork skills into their degree programmes.
Originality/value: Developing this competence requires different social and personalskills, which are very difficult for students to acquire only by engaging in teamwork-building activities. The crucial step of providing feedba
Purpose: In this article, we present a tool for assessing the performance of teamwork activities. The results obtained from this tool can be used to guide teamwork learning and mentor students by giving them feedback on their work.
Design/methodology/approach: The tool was based on a model of teamwork effectiveness from the literature. In this sense, analyzing a series of activities performed of by the same team can allow us to know whether the students involved in these activities are acquiring the ability to effectively engage in teamwork.
Findings: The tool was used with 53 teams in a Bachelor’s Degree Programme inIndustrial Engineering. In this case, the results were used to analyze whether theproposed tool is suitable for assessing teamwork effectiveness in the university context.
Practical implications: This tool will serve to provide feedback to students about the acquisition of their teamwork competency throughout the course of a Bachelor’s Degree.
Social implications: Teamwork is a professional ability required by a great number of organizations, and universities should incorporate the development and assessment o fteamwork skills into their degree programmes.
Originality/value: Developing this competence requires different social and personalskills, which are very difficult for students to acquire only by engaging in teamwork-building activities. The crucial step of providing feedback must also be an integral partof university curricula.
Objeto: En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta de evaluación del desempeño de un equipo de trabajo que permite tutorizar experiencias de aprendizaje de trabajo en equipo y retroalimentar a los estudiantes en base a unos criterios de mejora definidos.
Diseño/metodología: La herramienta se ha diseñado a partir de un modelo creado a partir de una revisión bibliográfica que representa el proceso de trabajo en equipo. A partir de este modelo se ha diseñado un cuestionario que permite medir el funcionamiento de los equipos y se ha utilizado con 53 equipos de trabajo en el Grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industrial de Tecnun-Universidad de Navarra.
Aportaciones y resultados: El análisis de los resultados de estos equipos ha permitido obtener información acerca de la idoneidad de la herramienta para valorar el funcionamiento de equipos de trabajo en el ámbito docente.
Implicaciones prácticas: El uso de la herramienta a lo largo de un ciclo docente conduce a la progresiva adquisición de la competencia por parte de los alumnos.
Implicaciones sociales: El trabajo en equipo es una competencia profesional que demandan las organizaciones y las universidades deberían planificar su desarrollo y evaluación.
Valor añadido: El desarrollo de la competencia de trabajo en equipo requiere de diferentes habilidades sociales y de gestión personal que difícilmente se adquieren tan sólo a través de la realización de trabajos en equipo sin disponer de una retroalimentación justificada acerca de cómo el grupo de alumnos trabaja en equipo. Esta herramienta permite tutorizar experiencias de aprendizaje de trabajo en equipo y retroalimentar a los estudiantes en base a unos criterios de mejora definidos.