Along with a growth in the spread of renewable energy (RE) use, the demand of reliable and more detailed data about the disposable RE source is increasing. The paper presents the initial stage of processing meteorological data as baseline information for describing the RE potential. The analysis method of descriptive statistics has been applied for data processing. Research was performed to illustrate the benefit of the applied analysis. Using meteorological data collected in the Laboratory of Building Energy and Microclimate Systems of Civil Engineering Research Centre, the analysis of received findings and statistical processing was performed. The research showed that statistical characteristics gave additional valuable information about dominant RE streams in a particular location. It was determined that the chaotic nature of stream variation and occurred outliers of values influence the values of RE streams greatly when average magnitudes are calculated. Having the limits of values to RE stream variation and the weighted centre of distribution without outliers creates a possibility of selecting a RE transformer or their combination more objectively and choosing equipment operation parameters to use local conditions better. The evaluation of local meteorological conditions applying statistical methods may help both the energy user and the creator of a technological solution to developing sustainable RE expansion.
Article in Lithuanian