This article investigates toxic effects of heavy metals (Ni, Cu) and their binary mixture (Ni+Cu) on the cardio-respiratory system of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae depending on the type of metal, metal concentration and the duration of their exposure. The one-day larvae of rainbow trout were exposed to Ni (0,1; 0,2 mg/l, respectively), Cu (0,25; 0;5 mg/l, respectively) and their binary mixture. During long-term exposure (30 days), the physiological parameters of larvae, e.g. heart rate (counts/min), gill ventilation frequency (counts/min) after 5, 10 and 20 days of exposure were recorded. During experimental studies, the effects of heavy metals and their binary mixture on the heart rate and gill ventilation frequency of rainbow trout larvae depending on the type of metal, their concentrations and exposure duration were determined. Consequently, comparative studies on toxic effects of heavy metals and their binary mixture on the cardio-respiratory system of rainbow trout larvae showed that the binary mixture was more toxic to larvae than to single metals.
Article in Lithuanian