At the moment the most important question is climate change repression and the provision of energy in the world. The rate of the alternative energetic use has strongly increased in the last decade of 20th century. In 23rd of 2009 the European Parliament and the Council accepted the directive 2009/28/EB for encouragement to use renewing resource energy. According to this directive, Lithuania has to warrant that renewing resource energy part in the final general energy consumption would be not less than 23% in 2020. The perspective energy resource types for making the electric energy are water and wind energy in Lithuania. The inventory of the alternative energy somehow affects the environment. Visually the wind, water and the sun energetic objects from all others alternative energetic objects mostly affects the environment. In this article there are analyzed Western Lithuania present and future alternative energetic objects, their possible visual effect on environment and implements to reduce the negative effect. There were used methods of photo-fixation, visual assessment of objects, measurement, distribution of objects and comparative analysis.
Article in Lithuanian