Research deals with granite siftings as fine aggregate possibilities to be used for manufacturing cleaved surface exterior concrete bricks. The article describes the influence of granite siftings on the technological properties of concrete mixture and on the physical mechanical properties of cleaved surface exterior concrete bricks formed using these mixtures and forecasts product durability. The following several compositions of concrete mixture for producing exterior concrete bricks are composed: using only 0/4 fraction sand (B1) as a fine aggregate, using only 0/2 fraction granite siftings (B2), and 50% of 0/4 fraction sand replacing with 0/2 fraction granite siftings (B3) depending on the volume. The products were formed in metal moulds; at a later stage, they were cleaved in half. The technological properties of concrete mixture and the physical mechanical properties of cleaved surface exterior concrete bricks formed using the above introduced mixtures were tested forecasting product durability. The results of the conducted research reveal that due to the properly selected ratio between sand and granite siftings in the fine aggregate, granite siftings may be used for manufacturing cleaved surface exterior concrete bricks.
Article in Lithuanian