Constantly fluctuating oil prices and the dependence on the gas supply from Russia force to pay the higher attention on the wider usage of renewable energy technologies, including geothermal energy. The necessity to look for the other energy resources also rises as oil and gas stocks in the World become exhausted, their prices steadily increase or especially fluctuate, pollution taxes also increase. Currently the political environment and legal base are favourable for development of renewable energy technologies in Lithuania, the interest of residents and businessmen also steadily increase, though concrete actions in this area are limited. The equipment of geothermal energy technologies is impossible without the support from the EU funds and grants from other institutions. There is a need to keep up with other countries experience, to create the financial means on the purpose to stimulate those projects implementation, to support producers and developers of heat pumps, to pay more attention to the scientific researches and creation of innovative technologies, etc.
Article in Lithuanian