Open Access
Author(s) -
Sri Aminingsih,
Publication year - 2021
Publication title -
kosala /kosala
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2721-2548
pISSN - 1979-0430
DOI - 10.37831/jik.v9i1.204
Subject(s) - psychology
Latar belakang : kebiasaan cuci tangan yang benar sangat penting. Namun menurut Badan Pusat Statistik kebiasaan cuci tangan yang benar di Provinsi Jawa Tengah belum maksimal yaitu sebesar 53,6%. Dari observasi yang dilakukan peneliti di Dusun Ngegot Kabupaten Karanganyar masih terlihat bahwa beberapa anak saat membeli jajanan langsung mengonsumsi jajanan tersebut tanpa mencuci tangan terlebih dahulu, padahal masing-masing rumah sudah menyediakan tempat cuci tangan di depan rumah.Tujuan : untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode bernyanyi terhadap kemampuan cuci tangan pada anak usia sekolah.Metode : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan desain pre-post experimental control design untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode bernyanyi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan cuci tangan anak usia sekolah.Hasil : hasil pretest pada kelompok perlakuan terdapat 93,3% anak yang tidak mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar dan 6,7% anak yang mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar dan hasil posttest terdapat 20% anak yang tidak mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar dan 80% anak yang mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol hasil pretest terdapat 93,3% anak yang tidak mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar dan 6,7% anak yang mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar dan hasil posttest terdapat 60% anak yang tidak mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar dan 40% anak yang mampu melakukan cuci tangan dengan benar. Dengan menggunakan Uji Mann Whitney diperoleh hasil p = 0,028.Kesimpulan : penerapan metode bernyanyi efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mencuci tangan.Kata kunci : kemampuan mencuci tangan, metode bernyanyi, penerapan Background : correct hand washing habits are very important. However, according to the Central Statistics Agency, the correct habit of washing hands in Central Java Province is not maximal, namely at 53.6%. From observations made by researchers in Ngegot, Karanganyar Regency, it is still seen that some children when buying snacks immediately consume these snacks without washing their hands first, even though each house has provided a place to wash their hands in front of the house.The aims of the study : this is to determine the effect of the singing method on the ability to wash hands in school age children.Method. This research is an experimental study with a pre-post experimental control design to determine the effect of the singing method in improving the ability of school age children to wash their hands.Result : the pretest results in the treatment group were 93.3% of children who were unable to wash their hands properly and 6.7% of children who were able to wash their hands properly and posttest results there were 20% of children who were unable to wash their hands properly and 80% children who are able to wash their hands properly. Whereas in the control group, the pretest results were 93.3% of the children who were unable to wash their hands properly and 6.7% of the children who were able to wash their hands properly and the posttest results there were 60% of the children who were unable to wash their hands properly and 40 % of children who are able to wash their hands properly. By using the Mann Whitney test the result was p = 0.028.Conclusion : the application of the singing method is effective in improving the ability to wash hands.Key words: ability to wash hands, singing method, application