ALGUMAS PARCERIAS FOTO/GR�FICAS DE ALAIR GOMES: BURLE MARX, MAGALH�ES E FIORE / Some photo/graphic partnerships by Alair Gomes: Burle Marx, Magalh�es and Fiore
Author(s) -
André Pitol
Publication year - 2022
Publication title -
arte and ensaios
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2448-3338
DOI - 10.37235/ae.n42.16
Subject(s) - art , humanities , art history
Alair Gomes fez parte de uma comunidade cientfica predominantemente carioca, mas manteve diversos contatos internacionais ligados pesquisa universitria. Como esse texto apresenta, situao semelhante se passou no plano artstico, influenciando suaproduo fotogrfica. A compreenso do lugar que Alair Gomes ocupou no cenrio cultural a partir da dcada de 1960 parece solicitar a reconstruo de possveis parcerias entre o fotgrafo e os demais atores daquele perodo. Analisaremos trs episdios que possibilitaram a Alair Gomes estabelecer colaboraes profissionais e projetos fotogrficos: fotografando o stio do paisagista Burle Marx; estabelecendo dilogo com o designer Aloisio Magalhes; e participando da publicao de um livro do designer grfico norte-americano Quentin Fiore. A anlise desses episdios introduz e rene casos esparsos que at o momento puderam ser acompanhados com maior ateno e rigor de pesquisa. Discutimos a construo do contexto artstico de Alair Gomes, que, como proposto, no pode ser desconsiderado na avaliao de seus trabalhos fotogrficos.Palavras-chave:Fotografia; Alair Gomes; Roberto Burle-Marx; Aloisio Magalhes; Quentin FioreAbstractAlair Gomes was part of a predominantly carioca scientific community, but maintained several international contacts linked to university research. As this text presents, a similar situation took place at the artistic level, influencing his photographic production. Understanding the place Alair Gomes occupied in the cultural scene in Rio de Janeiro from the 1960s onwards seems to require the reconstruction of possible partnerships between the photographer and other actors of that period. We will analyze three episodes that enabled Alair Gomes to establish professional collaborations and photographic projects: photographing the property of landscape artist Burle Marx; establishing a dialogue with the designer Aloisio Magalhes; and participating in the publication of a book bythe North American graphic designer Quentin Fiore. The analysis of these episodes introduces and brings together scattered cases that so far could be followed up with greater attention and research rigor. We discuss the construction of Alair Gomes? artistic context, which, as proposed, cannot be disregarded in the evaluation of his photographic works.Keywords:Photography; Alair Gomes; Roberto Burle-Marx; Aloisio Magalhes; Quentin Fiore