Author(s) -
Asty Widiastuti
Publication year - 2021
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2775-4073
DOI - 10.36423/pjsd.v1i1.638
Subject(s) - civics , mathematics education , humanities , psychology , pedagogy , political science , philosophy
The essence of Civics learning in elementary schools is the formation of responsible citizens who are able to implement rights and obligations as citizens, family members, community members and school citizens. So far, Civics subject to many obstacles in its implementation. This can be seen from the lack of enthusiasm of students in following the learning process. Initial data obtained by researchers at SDN Cilingga as many as 19 people or 73.07% of students have not reached the KKM in terms of rights and obligations. One thing that is believed to be able to improve student learning outcomes is by using a learning model. In this research, the learning model used is the Talking Stick model. The method used in this research is PTK (Classroom Action Research). Based on the research results, the percentage of students' comprehension completeness in the pre-cycle activities was 26.92% (very poor), 53.85% in the first cycle (Good), and 84.62% in the second cycle (Very Good) Then the average comparison is that in the pre-cycle got a value of 62.30 (Good), the first cycle got a value of 70.38 (Good), and the second cycle got an average value of 77.31 (Good).Keywords: Talking Stick; Learning Outcomes. Abstrak: Hakikat dari pembelajaran PKn di Sekolah Dasar yaitu terbentuknya warga negara yang bertanggung jawab, serta mampu menerapkan hak dan kewajiban baik sebagai warga negara, anggota keluarga, anggota masyarakat dan warga sekolah. Materi PKn selama ini masih banyak mengalami kendala dalam pelaksanaaanya. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari kurang semangatnya peserta didik dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Data awal yang diperoleh peneliti di SDN Cilingga sebanyak 19 orang atau 73,07% peserta didik belum mencapai KKM dalam materi hak dan kewajiban. Salah satu yang diyakini mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik adalah dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran. Pada penelitian ini, model pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu model Talking Stick. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh persentase ketuntasan pemahaman peserta didik pada kegiatan pra siklus 26,92 % (Sangat kurang), siklus I 53,85% (Baik), dan siklus II sebesar 84,62% (Sangat Baik). Lalu perbandingan rata-rata yaitu pada pra siklus mendapatkan nilai 62,30 (Baik), siklus I mendapat nilai 70,38 (Baik), dan siklus II mendapat nilai rata-rata 77,31 (Baik).Kata kunci: Talking Stick; Hasil Belajar.