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open-access-imgOpen AccessAvaliação da prontidão de dados para a abertura de dados das instituições públicas brasileiras
Francisco Tanajura Machado Júnior,
Remis Balaniuk,
Ana Paula Bernardi da Silva,
Vitória Santiago da Silveira
Publication year2018
Publication title
brazilian journal of information science
Resource typeJournals
PublisherFaculdade de Filosofia e Ciências
Abstract The main goal of this paper is to present the results of a case study for evaluation of the readiness for opening data con-ducted in a Brazilian public financial institution. The metho-dology used in this study is from the World Bank, called Open Data Readiness Assessment (ODRA), with some adaptations proposed in order to adapt it to characteristics of Brazilian Federal Public Administration institutions. The study demonstrated a high level of readiness of the institution to Open DATA (OD). Despite this, pointed out gaps to be ful-filled about a clearer positioning of leadership, the establish-ment of an organizational culture in OD an Open Government, a greater involvement of the institution with the community and public interest in a active way, the expansion of discussions with the managers of consigned information that more data can be made available directly by the institution and the expansion of the availability of data, following patterns of OD. Moreover the case study, this paper contributes to the current scenario of open government data as a whole by showing the importance that assessment of readiness have in the opening process of public institutions and to provide means for institutions and organizations of Brazilian public administration to carry out their own assessments.
Subject(s)administration (probate law) , business , business administration , computer science , e government , finance , government (linguistics) , information and communications technology , institution , law , linguistics , open data , open government , operating system , order (exchange) , philosophy , political science , process (computing) , public administration , public institution , public relations

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