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open-access-imgOpen AccessBusiness Intelligence using Data Mining Techniques for Salon Industry
P. R.,
S Josephene Sheeba*,
Abhay Raja
Publication year2019
Publication title
international journal of recent technology and engineering
Resource typeJournals
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Data Mining has many application areas. One such application area is in Salon Industry. This paper presents the aims to harnessing the power of information to support marketing and management decisions, in Salon Industry. A group of salons data was collected, analyzed and its impact on business growth and decisions. This case study used a collage of the existing datamining techniques to aid the Salon industry to augment the business expansion, tactical decision making, and strategic marketing activity using the mined knowledge to understand customers, products and effective use of resources. This work gives an idea of the vast opportunity for growth in the beauty sector using data mining, to impact the managers and investors.
Subject(s)anthropology , business , business intelligence , computer science , engineering , knowledge management , marketing , mechanical engineering , salon , sociology , work (physics)

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