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open-access-imgOpen AccessA Secure Electronic Messaging System in Client Server Cryptography-RSA Algorithm
G. Sruthi,
M. Raghupathi
Publication year2019
Publication title
international journal of engineering and advanced technology
Resource typeJournals
PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
The potency and effectiveness of the knowledge systems, in some ways, rely upon its design and the way knowledge area unit transmitted among totally different parties. Similarly, a really crucial side within the computer code development is that the security of knowledge that flows through open communication channels. one in all the foremost widespread design is client/server design that creates the centralization of knowledge storage and process modify, and supply flexibility for applying authentication strategies and coding algorithms inside info systems. whereas the amount of shoppers increase, its need increasing the authentication and coding level as high as potential. Client/server could be a technology that enables to open associate degree interactive session between the user's browser and also the server. during this study, we tend to used client/server design to accomplish secure messaging/chat between shoppers while not the server having the ability to decode the message by applying 2 layer security: one layer of coding between the shoppers and also the server, and also the second layer of coding between the shoppers within the chat space. during this manner, a shopper / Server Cryptography- based mostly Secure electronic messaging System mistreatment RSA (Rivest- Shamir-Adelman), that could be a wide used public-key cryptography and authentication system for encryption of digital electronic messaging transactions like email over the computer network, extranet and net, to write in code and decipher messages in an exceedingly terminal window is developed.
Subject(s)authentication (law) , computer network , computer science , computer security , cryptography , encryption , public key cryptography , transport layer security

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