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Author(s) -
Admink Admink
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
ukraïnsʹka kulʹtura : minule, sučasne, šlâhi rozvitku. naprâm: kulʹturologìâ
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2518-1890
DOI - 10.35619/ucpmk.vi31.220
Subject(s) - computer science
Використовування «театру жорстокості» у візуальних сучасних мистецтвах, зокрема, на телебаченні – це трансгресивний жест, намагання стерти межі між мистецтвом та життям, вихід поза межі людського завдяки інтроверсії, особливого погляду всередину себе щоб знайти там свою справжню сутність. Образи катастрофічних видовищ, руїн та ін. діють як спосіб репрезентувати знайоме незнайоме, як один із найбільш ефективних візуальних засобів включення пам’яті як мнемотичного знаку. В мотиві руїни відомі елементи реального ніби стираються, прогалини в цих стертих місцях стимулюють механізми відтворення образу в уяві, які тісно пов’язані з функціонуванням процесу отримання насолоди від образу, від його впізнавання в незнайомому. Ключові слова: ідея, жорстокість, інтроверсії, викривленість, метод, реальність, візуалізація, функціонування. Using the «theater of cruelty» in modern visual arts, particularly on television, as a transgressive gesture, attempts to erase the boundaries between art and life, exit beyond human due to introversion, a special look inside yourself to find where your true essence is. Images of catastrophic sights, ruins, etc. act as a way to represent the familiar unfamiliar, as one of the most effective visual means including memory as mnemonic instrument. In the ruins motive known elements like real erased, erased gaps in these areas stimulate the mechanisms of reproduction of the image in the imagination, which are closely related to the functioning of the process of enjoying the image of its recognition in the strange. Contemplation images of disaster, destruction introduce the real state of torpor, which is associated with feelings of emptiness (absence of certain elements in the structure of the image space gap in which the representative model reveals its effectiveness), lack of a sense of meaning, loss of rights. If art image refers to the illusory, splits, the inclusion mechanism of memory in creating, complete visual image using the imagination is just an illusion and memory. Images ruins reality images unfinished disaster that our imagination and memory finalizes, appends places in the absence of gaps of these images, and expose the workings of our minds as a mechanism for ordering, mechanism that formed a certain set of canons historically evolved system of visual representation. Primary source as a meaningful concept of «violence» in the audio-visual mass media owes its roots to the concept of «culture war». Having absorbed all the contradictory experience of mankind, its transformative lessons are no longer clear opposite category to the «category of peace». Dialectics controversial, as a transition to another speaker multidimensional – that is its culture-conceptual dimension. Formation of specific conceptual mechanism of modern civilization, analyzing philosophical problems of war, critical consideration of its interpretation ... all this is contributed to the introduction, and then mass dominance of social conflict in mass media. Method to solve it is controversial and complex. But if the dimension of «culture war» creates value with the sign «plus» (heroism, bravery, courage, patriotism) and with sign «minus» (cruelty). The term «violence» (or «violence and the subjects object») in the mass media is clearly the concept. which is negative. Monitoring of media does not hide the evil and occupation as a share. Socially-psychological, social and ethical aspects of these unilateral «cons» form-screen «hero» of nature aggressive shades, militaristic spirit, an enemy stereotypes. These are found in each category presiding, prevailing money. But we know that discord always promotes the latest technology, and education changed it yourself trend influences intellectual horizons. Condemnation of violence is a mean of combating it. But it is rather weak in its development. Pirate explosions and theft, the presence of attacks mean no ideological tenets that have lost any predictability. And yet - loss of sacrificial features of «feats», the differences between legitimate and illegitimate. And their system is a set of differences. If you lose the visible signs of sacrificing difficulties with regulation of violence that appears as a formidable element, chaotic beginning. Democracy implies a beginning start disharmony in human relations. But this is underestimation of the cultural factors of the society. Having brought the unification of this factor, the crisis becomes considerable sacrifice of gigantism. Such a magnitude characteristic of the globalized world. This is an issue of humanity. Flash of social stress in their original sources operating there, in those destroyed social structures of social communication. It may at least partially construct social tension. This agreement has provided a healthy society promoted culturological mass media content. A striking example of the present (especially during the early Yevromaydan in Ukraine in November 2013) is an extension of a large number of «trolls» on web pages in social networks. This is definitely an information war, using a fairly complex mechanisms of people manipulation at unconscious level. Among the effective mass of information manipulative techniques must be called gluing labels to discredit certain people or ideas without any evidence (such as using words such as «nazi», «fascist», etc. as contextual synonyms) or the use of conceptual metaphors (in particular, political) invective, transformation of known phraseology and traffic paraphrase (especially headers) involvement winged phrases and more. There are fundamental features in the behavior of the so-called «Russian trolls». Among them the most popular instruments are: insult Ukrainian citizens who came to Yevromaydan or speak Ukrainian; wonder about dissatisfaction of Ukrainian nationals, former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and call as misinformation any negative information about him; customize Crimean residents in favor of the idea of joining the peninsula to Russia or even disconnect from Ukraine. Key words: idea, cruelty, introversion, indirectivity, method, reality, visualization, operation.

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