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Author(s) -
Mojca Pešec,
Uroš Krek
Publication year - 2012
Publication title -
sodobni vojaški izzivi
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2463-9575
pISSN - 2232-2825
DOI - 10.33179/bsv.99.svi.11.cmc.14.1.3
Subject(s) - political science , physics
Novembra 2011 je na Poveljstvu za doktrino, razvoj, izobraževanje in usposablja- nje potekalo 5. redno srečanje Foruma centralnih evropskih držav o vojaškem izo- braževanju (Central European Forum on Military Education – CEFME). Osrednja tema posveta je bila izobraževanje vojaških strategov. Na srečanju so sodelovali visoki predstavniki s področja vojaškega izobraževanja iz devetih srednjeevropskih držav in predstavnik zveze Nato. Osrednja referata sta pripravila Uroš Krek, preda- vatelj predmeta vojaška strategija v generalštabnem programu Slovenske vojske, in polkovnica Mojca Pešec. V nadaljevanju avtorja predstavljata poglede na programe izobraževanja vojaških strategov v Sloveniji s teoretičnega in praktičnega vidika in utemeljujeta potrebo po intenzivnejšem in kakovostnejšem študiju strateške teorije za učitelje in študente predmeta vojaška strategija, nujnost oblikovanja celovitega programa učenja strategije z vidika izbora udeležencev in predavateljev ter potrebo po postavljanju dosegljivih ciljev, ko gre za časovni obseg in določanje vsebin programa.In November 2011, the 5th regular meeting of the Central European Forum on Military Education (CEFME) was convened at the Doctrine, Development, Education and Training Command. The central theme of the conference was military strategist training. The meeting brought together senior military education representatives from nine Central European countries, and a represen- tative of NATO. The two central papers were prepared by Uroš Krek, military strategy lecturer in the Slovenian Armed Forces General Staff Programme, and by Colonel Mojca Pešec. In their article, the authors present views on education programmes for military strategists in Slovenia from the theoretical and practical point of view, and substantiate the need for more intensive and better quality strategic theory study programmes for military strategy teachers and students. They also define the need for developing a comprehensive programme of learning the strategy in terms of selection of participants and lecturers, and the need for setting up achievable targets when it comes to time frame and the determination of programme subjects.

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