Author(s) -
Publication year - 2011
Publication title -
sodobni vojaški izzivi
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2463-9575
pISSN - 2232-2825
DOI - 10.33179/bsv.99.svi.11.cmc.13.2.3
Subject(s) - physics , humanities , political science , philosophy
Dvajsetletni obstoj slovenske države in delovanje njenega obrambnega sistema ter vojske omogočata opisovanje in vrednotenje dosežkov z uspehi ter neuspehi, pa tudi pogled v prihodnost in izzive za naslednjo dekado. Tako kot za področje družbenih in ekonomskih sprememb ter razvoja v Sloveniji tudi za obrambno-vojaško področje najpogosteje navajamo, da se je obdobje tranzicije končalo. Odkrito izpostavljamo tudi nujnost prihodnjih sprememb, pri čemer se kot poseben dejavnik pojavlja go- spodarska kriza. Ko obravnavamo rezultate in zaključek slovenske obrambno-voja- ške tranzicije, se oziramo po izzivih na prehodu v obdobje transformacije. O nujnosti reform in nadaljevanju transformacije govori tudi novi Natov strateški koncept, zato je razmišljanje o nadaljnjem razvoju slovenskega obrambno-vojaškega sistema usmerjeno v iskanje odgovorov na transformacijske izzive in vprašanje, ali transfor- macijo glede na okoliščine hočemo oziroma jo zmoremo. The twenty-year existence of Slovenia and the work of its defence system and the armed forces enable us to describe and evaluate the achievements with successes and failures, as well as to take a look into the future and at the challenges for the next decade. We most often state that the transition period has ended, both, with regard to social and economic changes and development in Slovenia, as well as to the defence and military sphere. We also clearly emphasise the urgency of future changes, with the economic crisis as a special factor. As we deal with the results and the completion of the Slovenian defence and military transition, we look out for the challenges on the way to the transformation period. The necessity of reform and continued trans- formation are also included in the NATO’s New Strategic Concept; therefore the reflections about further development of the Slovenian defence and military system should be concentrating on the search of responses to transformation challenges the question whether we want transformation, considering the circumstances, and whether we can manage it.