Author(s) -
Juniawan Priyono
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
jurnal pertahanan dan bela negara
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2620-7400
pISSN - 2620-5262
DOI - 10.33172/jpbh.v7i2.182
Subject(s) - political science , humanities , philosophy
Abstrak – Secara umum, geostrategi merupakan arah geografis kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara, memiliki karakter agresif, ofensif, dan outward-looking, serta menggabungkan pertimbangan strategi (peran militer) dan geopolitik. Sementara itu, konsepsi Ketahanan Nasional yang dikembangkan oleh Lemhannas lebih bersifat pertahanan diri (defensif), less millitaristic, inward-looking, serta berasas kesejahteraan dan keamanan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji kebenaran konsepsi Ketahanan Nasional sebagai geostrategi Indonesia secara epistemologis. Untuk melakukan penelitian, digunakan metode kualitatif interpretif fenomenologi deduktif. Uji kebenaran dengan falsifikasi Popper untuk mengumpulkan bukti pada perifer mana geostrategi berlaku/tidak berlaku, bukan untuk menolak konsepsi Ketahanan Nasional. Data yang dibutuhkan yaitu konsepsi Ketahanan Nasional dan epistemologi geostrategi yang menjelaskan keilmuan geostrategi dalam sebuah hierarki sistematis. Data-data bersumber dari dokumen sejarah dan dokumen ilmiah serta hasil wawancara dengan narasumber. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian bahwa konsepsi Ketahanan Nasional di luar perifer geostrategi, meskipun ditemukan bukti yang menunjukkan keberlakuan geostrategi. Bukti yang menunjukkan ketidakberlakuan geostrategi: (1) tidak memberikan penekanan pada strategi (militer); (2) tidak menunjukkan perencanaan strategi, upaya politik/diplomasi, atau upaya militer; (3) tidak aktif memengaruhi politik-strategi kawasan; (4) perubahan terjadi dalam jangka waktu lama; dan (5) defensif mengutamakan sikap konsultasi dan kerja sama. Bukti yang menunjukkan keberlakuan geostrategi: (1) merumuskan Tujuan Nasional; dan (2) mempertimbangkan kondisi dan konstelasi geografi wilayah dan geopolitik. Kata Kunci : ketahanan nasional, geostrategi Indonesia, uji falsifikasiAbstract – Generally, geostrategy is a type of foreign policy guided principally by geographic factors, that express an aggressive and offensive character, which is outward-looking. Further, it combines strategic considerations with geopolitical situations in such way that the military is always included. Meanwhile, the national resilience concept which was developed by the National Resilience Institute of Republic Indonesia (Lemhannas) is more defensive, less millitaristic, inward-looking and based on prosperity and security principles. This study aims to prove the truth of national resilence concept by using deductive phenomenological interpretive qualitative methods with epistemology of geostrategy as a main objective. Popper’s falsification test is intended to gather evidence on which the geostrategic peripheral is applied to the national resilience concept, rather than reject the conception. The required data includes the national resilience concept and an epistemology of geostrategy to explain geostrategic realities in a sistematic hierarchy, using historical documents, scientific publications and also interviews. This study has shown that the national resilience conceptsits outside the geostrategic periphery, despite some evidence of geostrategic validity. The evidence indicating the applicability of geostrategy includes (1) does not place emphasis a strategic substance; (2) without strategic planning, political/diplomatic attempts and/or military meansto achieve national objective; (3) an inward-looking drive to improve tenacity and sturdiness rather than active political-strategic influence; (4) the changes occur in the long-term and; (5) the defensive posture prioritizes consultation and cooperation. The evidence that shows the applicability of geostrategy includes (1) formulation of national objectives and; (2) consideration of geography and geopolitical conditions.Keywords : national resilience, geostrategic doctrine, falsification