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open-access-imgOpen AccessDigital Civic Engagement in the EU: Analysing Examples, Tools, and Sentiment in Latvia and Estonia
Mārtiņš Vargulis,
Publication year2021
Publication title
studia europejskie
Resource typeJournals
PublisherUniversity of Warsaw - Centre for Europe
The decline of civic engagement has been an issue for several EU Member States. To promote civic engagement, digital tools have been perceived as one of the possible solutions both at the EU and national levels. Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that has intensifi ed digitalisation in many forms and sectors, the issue of digital solutions for civic engagement has regained its relevance and topicality. In the last decade, Latvia has been among other EU Member States in which civic engagement has become a concerning and long-term challenge. For instance, as opposed to Estonia, voter turnout in the most recent national and European parliamentary elections has gradually declined in Latvia. There are also limited digital possibilities through which Latvian society can participate and influence the political agenda daily. Therefore, this article provides an overview of the provisions and guidelines at the EU level to address the issue of civic engagement by promoting digital democracy tools. Secondly, it analyses what digital tools exist in Latvia to promote civic engagement. Thirdly, by comparing the digital civic engagement solutions implemented in Estonia and Latvia, the lessons learned are drawn. Finally, using data from quantitative (polls) studies (before and during the COVID-19 pandemic), the article provides recommendations for Latvia in the context of I-voting.
Subject(s)archaeology , business , civic engagement , context (archaeology) , democracy , economic policy , european union , geography , latvian , law , linguistics , philosophy , political science , politics , public administration , public engagement , public relations , relevance (law) , turnout , voting

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