Autoritarismo judiciário e precariedade de defesa das camadas populares no Brasil: Uma herança perversa
Author(s) -
Priscila Costa Martins Rocha,
Maria Perpétua Socorro Dantas Jordão
Publication year - 2018
Publication title -
revista interritórios
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2525-7668
DOI - 10.33052/inter.v3i5.234439
Subject(s) - humanities , political science , philosophy
O presente ensaio propõe uma reflexão sobre a dificuldade de acesso aos mecanismos de justiça e precariedade de defesa das camadas populares no Brasil frente a uma postura autoritária por parte das esferas de decisão personificadas pelo Poder Judiciário. Temos uma constituição democrática que garante direitos difusos, e coletivos, mas que na prática, quando falamos de direitos inerentes aos mecanismos processuais do uso do contraditório e da ampla defesa por exemplo, vimos que na prática são direitos que não se concretizam plenamente para ricos e pobres. A proposta do presente texto é mostrar que quanto maior é o grau de exclusão de um indivíduo, maior é seu distanciamento das garantias legais e constitucionais quando nos referimos aos mecanismos de defesa dentro do ordenamento jurídico formal, já que em regra é atendido por uma defensoria pública sobrecarregada, com poucos recursos e muitas vezes precárias condições para realizar uma defesa plena e irrestrita, como diz a norma. Ainda abordamos a herança autoritária dos períodos de ditadura e seus reflexos em práticas processuais retificando um procedimento violador de direitos e uma lei altamente seletiva e segregatória. Por fim nosso trabalho é fruto de pesquisa qualitativa e bibliográfica sendo concluído com um olhar voltado para a necessidade urgente de mudanças na formação dos profissionais do direito, humanizando-os. Quando assim acontecer teremos um sistema de justiça criminal que busque de fato justiça com equidade garantindo a todos os cidadãos brasileiros igualdade de armas na busca por uma decisão justa.Cidadania. Autoritarismo. Sistema de justiça. Ampla defesa.Judiciary authoritarianism and precariousness in the defense of the underprivilegedin Brazil: a perverse heritage AbstractThe present essay purposes a reflection about the difficulty of the access to the justice apparatus and precariousness in the defense of the underprivilegedin Brazil forward the authoritarian stance of the spheres of decisions personified by the Judiciary. We have a democratic constitution that insures diffuses rights, and collective, nevertheless in the practice, when we talk about rights inherent to the procedural apparatus' use of contradictory and the ample defense for example, we perceive that in the practice they are immaterialized rights to the rich and poor. The purpose of this text is to show that how bigger is the exclusion rate of an individual, the bigger will be the distance of the legal and constitutional insurances when we refers to the defense mechanisms within the formal legal order, since as a rule it's attended by an overwhelmed public defense with few resources and, oftentimes, precarious conditions to perform a full and unrestricted defense, as it says in the regulation. Furthermore, we approach about the authoritarianism heritage of the dictatorship period and its reflection in the processual practices rectifying a procedure that violates the rights and a law highly selective and segregationist. Lastly, our work is product of a qualitative and bibliographic research, concluding with a view towards the urgent necessity of change on the formation of the Law professionals, humanizing them. When this happens, there is a criminal justice system that effectively seeks justice with equality, guaranteeing all members of the Brazilian Justice System in the search for a just decision.Citizenship. Authoritarianism. Justice System. Ample defense.The history of research in the pedagogy course: Clues, Propositions and Legal Requirements Abstract From a historical review, this essay discusses the research element in Pedagogy courses from its genesis in 1939 until the promulgation of the National Curricular Guidelines for Pedagogy Courses in 2006. It is an essay produced through appreciation (KAUFMANN, 2013) as a support for the understanding of the discourses, which have different meanings. The Brazilian university was born in the 1930s, with vocation and nature for the practice of general culture, scientific research and professional training (DECREE 19.851 / 1931). The National Faculty of Philosophy, the place of origin of the Pedagogy course, also presented this vocation (DECREE-LAW No. 1,190 / 1931), but did not include the research in the curriculum of the course. This contradiction provoked a historical noise, so much so that, in 1962, research emerged as an optional discipline in the Pedagogy course (OPINION no. 251/1962), suffering interruption six years later, with the implementation of the military dictatorship. This interruption also became noisy until the 1980s, when, due to political openness and the movements of educators, the reflections and clashes about teacher education were resurfaced. The educators, through ANFOPE, materialized new formative proposals and conferred on the research, together with teaching and management, the condition of formative principle and course identity. The research was done legally with the DCN-CP (RESOLUTION No. 01/2006). Search. University. Course of Pedagogy.