Author(s) -
Ichsan Rizany,
Tutik Sri Hariyati,
Sri Purwaningsih
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
jurnal persatuan perawat nasional indonesia
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2549-8576
pISSN - 2503-1376
DOI - 10.32419/jppni.v1i3.35
Subject(s) - competence (human resources) , psychology , social psychology
e"> ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian: melakukan pemberdayaan fungsi kepala ruangan dalam implementasi jadwaldinas berbasis kompetensi di rumah sakit umum vertikal kelas A yang menjadi rumah sakit pusatrujukan nasional. Metode: pendekatan pilot studi yang dilaksanakan dari analisis situasi, pembuatanplan of action, implementasi, evaluasi dan analisis gap menggunakan literatur review. Pilot studidilakukan selama ± 7 minggu kepada 43 perawat dan 16 kepala ruangan sebagai responden.Analisis situasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan diagram fi sh bone. Hasil: Masalah utama ialahbelum optimalnya pelaksanaan jadwal dinas berbasis kompetensi. Implementasi yang dilakukanialah brainstorming kepada kepala ruangan tentang pentingnya kompetensi dalam pelaksanaanjadwal dinas dan melakukan uji coba jadwal dinas berbasis kompetensi. Hasil uji coba didapatkanbahwa 100% kepala ruangan merasa jadwal dinas berbasis kompetensi lebih efektif. Hasil kuesionermenunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan kepala ruangan tentang pentingnya kompetensidalam penjadwalan perawat menjadi 8,6 dan rata-rata penilaian diri (self asessment) dari kepalaruangan tentang evaluasi pembuatan jadwal dinas berbasis kompetensi sebesar 7,88 dari 10 poin.Pelaksanaan penjadwalan berbasis kompetensi mendapat hambatan berupa kurangnya jumlahtenaga perawat, karakteristik perawat, dan pemerataaan kompetensi. Simpulan: pemberdayaanfungsi kepala ruangan dalam implementasi jadwal dinas berbasis kompetensi lebih efektif danmemudahkan pekerjaan kepala ruangan dalam pengaturan jadwal dinas. Peran kepala ruangansangat penting dalam pembuatan jadwal dinas berbasis kompetensi. Peran kepala bidangkeperawatan sangat membantu sistem jadwal dinas dengan membuat kebijakan yang tepat dansejalan dengan misi pelayanan keperawatan untuk memberikan pelayanan berkualitas dan aman.Kata Kunci: jadwal dinas, kompetensi, perawat.OPTIMIZATION THE FUNCTION OF THE HEAD NURSE IN DETERMINING COMPETENCEBASED NURSE SERVICE SCHEDULE: A PILOT STUDYABSTRACTObjective: To empower the function of head nurse in implementing competence-based nurse serviceschedule in grade A hospital which serves as a national referral hospital. Methods: This studyemployed a pilot study approach that was performed in situation analysis, making of Plan of Action,implementation, evaluation and gap analysis using literature review. The pilot study was conductedfor approximately 7 weeks to 43 nurses and 16 head nurses as respondents. The situation analysiswas performed using fi shbone diagram. Results: The main problem was unoptimal implementationof competence-based nurse service schedule. The implementation done was brainstorming tothe head nurses about importance of competence in the implementation of service schedule andconducting trial of the competence-based nurse service schedule. The trial results indicated that100% of the head nurses thought that the competence-based nurse service schedule was moreeffective. The questionnaire results indicated increased head nurses’ knowledge of the importanceof competence in nurse scheduling by 8.6, and average self-assessment of the head nurseson the evaluation of competency-based nurse service scheduling by 7.88 out of 10 points. Theimplementation of competence-based scheduling was obstructed by lack of the number of nurses,characteristics of nurses and even distribution of competence. Conclusion: The empowerment ofthe function of head nurses in the implementation of competence-based nurse service schedule wasmore effectively and could facilitate the work of head nurses in managing the service schedule. The role of head nurses was very important in competence-based nursing service scheduling. The roleof head nurses was useful in nurse service schedule system by making appropriate policy and wasin line with the mission of nursing care in providing quality and safe service.Keywords: nurse scheduling, competence, nurse