Author(s) -
yayuk nuryanti,
Wenny Artanty Nisman,
Risanto Siswosudarmo
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
jurnal persatuan perawat nasional indonesia
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2549-8576
pISSN - 2503-1376
DOI - 10.32419/jppni.v1i3.30
Subject(s) - medicine
ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Hypnobirthing merupakan salah satu teknik autohipnosis yang merupakan bagiandari tindakan mandiri perawat untuk menyiapkan proses persalinan dalam mengurangi kecemasandan nyeri persalinan. Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui perbedaan nyeri persalinan dan lamapersalinan kala I antara kelompok ibu hamil yang dilatih relaksasi hypnobirthing dengan yang tidakdilatih. Metode: desain penelitian secara quasi eksperimen, sampel diambil secara consecutivesejumlah 82 orang di 4 BPM Kabupaten Klaten. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi square dan regresilogistik. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan persentase antara kelompok perlakuan dengankelompok kontrol, untuk rasa tidak nyeri perbedaan 23% dengan RR 2,94 (95% CI 1,17–7,41) p= 0,013. Pada kala I tidak lama perbedaan 19% dengan RR 1,26 (95% CI 1,01–1,57) p = 0,035.Hasil ini menunjukkan kemungkinan tidak nyeri hampir 3 kali dan kemungkinan kala I tidak lamahampir 1,5 kali pada kelompok perlakuan. Analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa relaksasihypnobirthing dan multiparitas memberi efek yang signifi kan untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan danmempersingkat lama kala I. Kesimpulan: Latihan relaksasi hypnobirthing memberi manfaat untukmengurangi nyeri persalinan dan memperpendek lama kala I pada proses persalinan normal. Saran:Hypnobirthing perlu diberikan kepada ibu hamil sebagai bagian dari perawatan kehamilanuntuk menyiapkan psikologis ibu dalam menghadapi persalinan. Untuk pengembangan penelitianselanjutnya, perlu ditambahkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi nyeri persalinan.Kata Kunci: hypnobirthing, persalinan, nyeri persalinan, persalinan kala I.BENEFITS OF HYPNOBIRTHING EXERCISE IN THE FIRST STAGE OF LABORABSTRACTIntroduction: Hypnobirthing is a technique of autohypnosis which is a part of self-nursing care toprepare a more comfortable labor process. Objective: To identify difference in labor pain, durationof the fi rst stage of labor between pregnant mothers trained with hypnobirthing and those whowere not trained. Methods: This study employed a quasi experimental design involving 4 privatemidwives in Klaten Regency. Samples were 82 mothers taken consecutively. Data were statisticallyanalyzed using Chi square-test and logistic regression. Results: There were differences betweenthe treatment group and the control group. The difference in feeling no pain was 23% with RR of2.94 (95% CI 1.17-7.41) p=0.013; the difference in the short duration of the fi rst stage of labor was19% with RR of 1.26 (95% CI 1.01-1.57) p=0.035. The results indicated that the probability of feelingno pain was almost three times and the probability of short duration of the fi rst stage of labor wasone and a half times in the treatment group. The logistic regression showed that hypnobirthing andmultiparity had a signifi cant effect on reducing pain during labor process and shorthening durationof the fi rst stage of labor. Conclusion: Hypnobirthing exercise was bene fi cial in reducing pain andshorthening duration of the fi rst stage of labor process. Suggestion: Hypnobirthing should be givento pregnant women as part of prenatal care for psychological condition of mothers in facing the labor.Further research needs to be include factors that affect pain labor.Keywords: hypnobirthing, labor process, pain labor, fi rst stage of labor