Analisis Neraca Keseimbangan Air Baku Layanan PDAM Amuntai
Author(s) -
Al-Qadar Al-Qadar,
Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
jurnal gradasi teknik sipil
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2598-8581
pISSN - 2598-9758
DOI - 10.31961/gradasi.v4i2.771
Subject(s) - forestry , environmental science , environmental engineering , geography
PDAM BNA Amuntai adalah unit penyedian air bersih di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara yang melayani penyediaan air bersih untuk keperluan masyarakat tiga kecamatan yaitu Amuntai Utara, Selatan dan Tengah. Laju angka pertumbuhan di tiga kecamatan ini membuat kebutuhan air bersih semakin bertambah setiap tahunnya. Pengadaan air bersih untuk masyarakat bertujuan agar lapisan masyarakat menjalani pola hidup sehat.Untuk mengetahui jumlah kebutuhan air bersih pada tahun tertentu, menggunakan analisis proyeksi penduduk dengan standar kebutuhan air bersih berdasarkan panduan Kementrian PU. Menghitung ketersedian air disungai Balangan (debit andalan) menggunakan analisis data klimatologi dan data bangkitan hujan menggunakan metode mock. Hasil analisis jumlah penduduk di tiga kecamatan layanan PDAM BNA Amuntai pada tahun 2049 berdasarkan hasil proyeksi penduduk sebanyak 154.972,2 jiwa. Dengan layanan 90% kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap air bersih layanan PDAM BNA Amuntai pada tahun 2049 sebanyak 771.843,38 m³/bulan. Hasil analisis debit andalan ketersedian air baku sebanyak 12.933.464,72 m³/bulan. Sehingga persentase kebutuhan air bersih sebesar 5,97%. terhadap ketersedian air baku di sungai.
PDAM BNA Amuntai is a clean water supply unit in the North Hulu Sungai Regency that serves clean water for the needs of the community of three sub-districts, namely North, South and Central Amuntai. The rate of growth in these three sub-districts makes the need for clean water growing every year. The provision of clean water aims to ensure that the layers of society live a healthy lifestyle. Analysis of population projections with clean water requirements based on the Ministry of Public Works guidelines to calculate clean water needs. Calculating the availability of water in the Balangan river (mainstay discharge) using climatological data analysis and rainfall generation data using the mock method. The results of the analysis of the population in the three sub-districts of PDAM BNA Amuntai service in 2049 based on the projection of the population of 154,972.2 people. With 90% service, the community's need for clean water services at PDAM BNA Amuntai in 2049 is 771,843.38 m³/month. The results of the main discharge analysis of the availability of raw water were 12,933,464.72 m³/month. So the percentage of clean water needs is 5.97%. towards the availability of raw water in the river