Author(s) -
Indriyani Makmun,
Rizkia Amilia,
Ana Pujianti Harahap,
Desi Rofita,
Nurul Qamariah Rista Andaruni,
Biantari Alika Maharani,
Mifanatul Hairah
Publication year - 2021
Publication title -
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2614-526X
pISSN - 2614-5251
DOI - 10.31764/jpmb.v5i1.6000
Subject(s) - medicine , gynecology , humanities , physics , art
ABSTRAKBirthing ball merupakan salah satu metode active birth menggunakan bola pilates yang membantu ibu inpartu kala I. Penggunaan bola pilates dengan melakukan gerakan seperti duduk dibola dan bergoyang-goyang, membuat kemajuan persalinan, memberikan rasa nyaman dan, serta meningkatkan sekresi endoprin disebabkan kelenturan dan kelengkungan bola merangsang reseptor dipanggul. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan tentang birth ball. Metode yang digunakan antara lain ceramah/penyampaian materi menggunakan leaflet, praktikum atau pelatihan langsung kepada peserta serta tanya jawab guna mendukung pengetahuan ibu tentang terapi birthing ball. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian dibuktikan dengan keaktifan peserta dalam kegiatan ini, pelaksanaan kegiatan telah mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu bersalin dalam mengurangi nyeri pada kala I persalinan, dapat mengelola rasa nyeri saat kontraksi dan ketidaknyaman ibu seperti rasa cemas berlebih dan mengelola pernafasan serta dapat mengurangi sakit punggung, sesak nafas. Hasil kegiatan ini sangat berdampak positif pada proses persalinan ibu yang lahir dengan normal atau pervaginam tanpa adanya intervensi dilakukan tindakan Sectio Caesaria. Kata kunci: birthing ball; nyeri kala I persalinan; ibu bersalin. ABSTRACTBirthing ball is one of the active birth methods using a pilates ball that helps pregnant women in the first stage. The use of a pilates ball by doing movements such as sitting on a ball and rocking, makes labor progress, provides a sense of comfort and, and increases the secretion of endorphins due to the flexibility and curvature of the ball. stimulate hip receptors. The purpose of this community service is to provide counseling and training about birth balls. The methods used include lectures/delivery of material using leaflets, practicum or direct training to participants and questions and answers to support mother's knowledge about birthing ball therapy. The results of the service activities are evidenced by the activeness of the participants in this activity, the implementation of the activities has been able to increase the knowledge of maternity mothers in reducing pain in the first stage of labor, can manage pain during contractions and maternal discomfort such as excessive anxiety and manage breathing and can reduce back pain, out of breath. The results of this activity have a very positive impact on the delivery process for mothers who are born normally or vaginally without any intervention by performing Sectio Caesaria. Keywords: birthing ball; pain in the first stage of labor; mother gave birth.