Employee motivation of agricultural enterpriseі in conditions of innovative development
Author(s) -
Krystyna Dramaretska
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
bìoekonomìka ta agrarnij bìznes
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2707-3831
pISSN - 2707-3823
DOI - 10.31548/bioeconomy2020.04.007
Subject(s) - agriculture , business administration , business , management , sociology , political science , psychology , economics , ecology , biology
The arƟcle reveals the role of employee moƟvaƟon of agricultural enterprises in terms of innovaƟve development. In modern condiƟons of innovaƟon development there is an insucient level of employee moƟvaƟon of agricultural enterprises to intensify innovaƟon acƟvity. There is a problem in understanding the essence of moƟvaƟon, due to the mulƟplicity of approaches and methods of its study. The interpretaƟon of the concept of “moƟvaƟon” by Ukrainian and foreign scienƟsts is given. In modern condiƟons to ensure, the eecƟve funcƟoning of agricultural enterprises there is a need for innovaƟve acƟvity of employee. ScienƟsts’ interpretaƟon of the concept of “innovaƟon” is presented. Based on the generalizaƟon of dierent views of scienƟsts, it is established that there is no single posiƟon on the deniƟon of “innovaƟon”. In modern economics, the quesƟon remains: is innovaƟon the result of innovaƟon or is it a process of implemenƟng a new idea? Employees must form eecƟve management of agricultural enterprises based on the percepƟon of innovaƟons. The mechanism of employee moƟvaƟon of agricultural enterprises in the condiƟons of innovaƟve development is oered, which provides response to innovaƟve, economic, social, ecological changes, where the emphasis is made on increase of business acƟvity of workers, on their encouragement to introducƟon and fast percepƟon of innovaƟons. In modern condiƟons, the development of innovaƟve acƟviƟes of agricultural enterprises is on the verge of synthesis of scienƟc knowledge and tangible assets. The modern management system of an economic enƟty should be based on the principle of development of its sta and the development of a mechanism for moƟvaƟng employees of agricultural enterprises to intensify innovaƟon. It was found that the percepƟon of innovaƟons by employees of the enterprise is their ability to implement innovaƟons, which is characterized by the Ɵme of implementaƟon. It is established that a well-built mechanism of sta moƟvaƟon contributes to the formaƟon of appropriate incenƟves and working condiƟons under which employees will work to achieve the goals of the enterprise. PosiƟve results of moƟvaƟonal measures to intensify innovaƟon in the agricultural enterprise will be achieved by encouraging employees to self-development to ensure their professional growth.