Author(s) -
Rosidah Aliim Hidayat,
Zainnur Wijayanto
Publication year - 2021
Publication title -
taman cendekia : jurnal pendidikan ke-sd-an
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2579-5147
pISSN - 2579-5112
DOI - 10.30738/tc.v5i2.11115
Subject(s) - humanism , mathematics education , test (biology) , scale (ratio) , product (mathematics) , psychology , qualitative research , process (computing) , qualitative property , pedagogy , computer science , mathematics , sociology , social science , paleontology , physics , geometry , quantum mechanics , machine learning , political science , law , biology , operating system
The purpose of this research and development research was (1) to produce a humanistic social-based learning model that was suitable for the mathematical communication skills of elementary school students and (2) to test its effectiveness. The type of research used was RnD with a 4-D development model developed by Thiagarajan. The research subjects on a small scale were 4 students of grade IV and on a wide scale were all students in grade IV of SD Taman Muda IP. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis technique was used to describe the stages of developing a humanistic social-based learning model in improving mathematical communication skills. Quantitative analysis techniques were utilized to test the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Based on research data, validation tests from experts and practitioners, it can be concluded that the humanistic social-based learning model in improving the mathematical communication skills of elementary school students was valid, practical, and effective. After going through the validation stage, both experts and practitioners, the product developed was said to be valid (feasible and can be used). After being tested on a small scale and a large scale, the product developed was included in the practical and effective criteria. Thus, the developed model can be used as reference material in enriching the learning process in elementary schools so that it is hoped that student learning outcomes can alsobe enhancedKeywords: humanistic, communication, mathematics, social.References:Aloni, N. 2013. Empowering dialogues in humanistic education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 45(10), 1067-1081.Ansari, B. I. 2012. Komunikasi Matematik dan Politik. 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