Author(s) -
Tri Nurmala Dewi,
Joko Kuncoro
Publication year - 1970
Publication title -
proyeksi/proyeksi (fakultas psikologi universitas islam sultan agung)
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2656-4173
pISSN - 1907-8455
DOI - 10.30659/p.6.2.68-77
Subject(s) - humanities , psychology , philosophy
Manusia adalah mahkluk sosial dengan tipe kepribadian yang berbeda-beda. Setiap individu selalu berhubungan dengan orang lain meski berbeda cara dan intensitasnya. Kecenderungan ini dikenal sebagai kebutuhan afiliasi. Kebutuhan ini melekat pada tiap individu termasuk yang berkepribadian introvert. Ada banyak cara dan media yang dapat digunakan untuk memuaskan kebutuhan ini. Jaringan sosial Facebook adalah salah satunya. Kebiasan mengakses jaringan sosial ini diduga dapat menimbulkan ketagihan dan ketergantungan. Tujuan peneilitian ini adalah mengetahuai keterkaitan antara introversi kepribadian dengan ketergantungan terhadap facebook. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa UNISSULA dengan sampel sebanyak 167 yang diambil secara proporsional.Data ketergantungan terhadap facebook diukur dengan menggunakan skala yang disusun berdasar karakteristik dari Young dan skala afilisasi dari Murray untuk mengukur kebutuhan afiliasi. Data introversi kepribadian diukur dengan skala introversi kepribadian dari Jung. Ada tiga hipotesis yang akan diuji. Pertama adalah ada keterkaitan antara kebutuhan afiliasi dan introversi kepribadian dengan ketergantungan terhadap facebook. Kedua adalah ada hubungan positif antara kebutuhan afiliasi dengan ketergantungan terhadap facebook dan ketiga adalah ada hubungan positif antara introversi kepribadian dengan ketergantungan terhadap fecbook. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik statistic regresi ganda.Hasil analisis menunjukan besarnya Koefisien regresi ganda R = 0.278, F = 6.863 dan p = 0.001 (p < 0.01) yang berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kebutuhan afiliasi dan introversi kepribadian dengan ketergantungan terhadap facebook. Uji hipotesis kedua menunjukan ry1 = - 0.163 (p = 0.036) yang beratri hipotesis kedua ditolak sedangkan uji hipotesis ketiga menunjukan Ry2 = 0.189 dan p = 0.015 (p < 0.05) yang berarti hipotesis ketiga diterima. Kata Kunci : introversi kepribadian, kebutuhan afiliasi, ketergantungan facebook. THE NEED OF AFFILIATION, INTROVERSION OF PERSONALITY, AND FACEBOOK ADDICTION AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Abstract Human are social beings that have personality type. Each individual is always in relationship with others, although in different manner and intensity. This tendency is called the need of affiliation. This need is necessary for everyone include persons with an introversion personality, who focus on the inside world and observe the outside world selectively according to their own point of view. There are many ways and media can be used to satisfy this need. One of the most widely used today is the social network facebook. Facebook’s function related to the fulfillment of need which related to an individual, can lead to an addiction. The purpose of this research was to know the relationship between the need of affiliation and introversion personality with facebook addiction. Populations in this research were students in UNISSULA with 167 samples which were determined based on the proportional sampling technique.This research used facebook addiction scale based on Young’s characteristic, Murray’s need of affiliation’s scale, and introversion personality’s scale based on Jung’s characteristic. The first hypothesis was that there is relationship between the need of affiliation and introversion personality with facebook addiction. The second hypothesis was that there is positive relationship between the need of affiliation and facebook addiction; and the third hypothesis was that there is positive relationship between introversion personality and facebook addiction.The test of item difference power and reliability used product moment and alpha cronbach’s coefficient. The test hypothesis used regression analysis. Data analysis resulted in R = 0,278, F = 6,863 with p = 0,001 (p<0, 01). This result shows that the first hypothesis was accepted. The second hypothesis analysis result showed ry1 = - 0,163 with p = 0,036 (p<0, 05), this means that the second hypothesis was rejected, while the third hypothesis analysis result showed ry2 = 0,189 with p = 0,015 (p<0, 05) which means the third hypothesis was accepted. Keyword: Need of affiliation, introversion personality, facebook addiction