Author(s) -
Nur Sofyan
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
jurnal ilmiah profesi pendidikan
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2620-8326
pISSN - 2502-7069
DOI - 10.29303/jipp.v5i1.109
Subject(s) - physics , humanities , art
Abstrak: Motivasi dan Hasil belajar siswa di SMAN 3 Selong belum maksimal. Peneliti menerapkan metode widyawisata sebagai solusi mengurai persolan tersebut. Penerapan metode ini, lakukan dengan mengajak siswa belajar di luar kelas (out door study) dalam suasana belajar yang menyenangkan.. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode widyawisata terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran geografi maka Penulis melaksakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X IPS 1 sebanyak 30 siswa. Lokasi widyawisata di Sungai Tojang Selong sekitar lingkungan SMA Negeri 3 Selong, Kelurahan Sandubaya Kecamatan Selong Kota Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Jarak dari SMA N 3 Selong ke Lokasi widyawisata sekitar 400 M, dengan waktu tempuh 5 sanpai 10 menit. Tahapan penelitian ini dengan 2 siklus. Pada siklus I motivasi belajar siswacukup tinggi, Dari 30 siswa, di atas 65 % setuju termotivasi dengan penerapan metode widyawisata. Bahkan dari indikator rasa tertarik mereka terhadap metode ini mencapai 80 % . Namun hasil belajar mereka masih rendah . 9 siswa atau 30 % tidak tuntas. Selain itu daya serap siswa masih rendah, yakni 74, 23. Selanjutnya peneliti merencanakan dan melaksanakan siklus II. Pada siklus ini diperoleh hasil bahwa motivasi belajar meningkat sekitar 10 %, dari siklus sebelumnya, begitu pula hasil belajar, angka ketuntasan mencapai 93 %, berarti 23 % meningkat dari siklus I. Daya serap siswa juga meningkat menembus angka 84, 53. Berdasarkan hasil siklus II ini, maka tidak dilakukan siklus III, namun demikian bagi siswa yang belum tuntas dilakukan pendekatan bimbingan secara individual. Dari hasil pengolahan data dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode Widyawisata dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA NEGERI 3 SELONG semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018-2019.Kata kunci: Motivasi; Hasil belajar; Metode WidyawisataAbstract: Motivation and student learning outcomes in SMAN 3 SELONG have not been maximized. Researchers apply the Widyawisata method as a solution to unravel the problem. The application of this method, by inviting students to study outside the classroom (outdoor study) in a pleasant learning atmosphere. To understand the application of the study method to the motivation and student learning outcomes in geography learning, the author conducts classroom action research (CAR). In this classroom action research, the subject of the study was students of class X IPS 1 totaling 30 students. The location of the study tour on the Tojang Selong River around the neighborhood of SMA 3 Selong, Sandubaya Village, Selong District, East Lombok Regency. The distance from SMA N 3 Selong to the location of the study tour is around 400 M, with a travel time of 5 to 10 minutes. This research stage with 2 cycles. In the first cycle, students' motivation to learn was quite high. Out of 30 students, over 65% agreed to be motivated by the application of the study tour method. 80% of the indicators of interest in this method. But their learning outcomes are still low. 9 students or 30% did not complete. In addition, the absorption of students is still low, namely 74, 23. Furthermore, researchers discuss and conduct the second cycle. In this cycle the results obtained from learning increased by about 10%, from the previous cycle, as well as learning outcomes, completeness reached 93%, meaning 23% increased from cycle I. Students absorption also increased through the numbers 84, 53. Based on the results of the second cycle, then there is no cycle III, but nevertheless for students who have not done individually. From the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the method of applying Widyawisata can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of students in the senior high school of 3 Selong even semesters 2018-2019.Keywords: Motivation; Learning outcomes; The study method