Open Access
The Rock Art in Kinta Valley, West Malaysia: A synthesis Lukisan Gua di Lembah Kinta, Semenanjung Malaysia: Satu sintesis
Author(s) -
Chaw Yeh Saw,
Hsiao Mei Goh,
Publication year - 2021
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Conference proceedings
DOI - 10.26721/spafa.pqcnu8815a-10
Subject(s) - humanities , geography , art
This paper presents a synthesis of the new rock art mapping project in the Kinta Valley of West Malaysia. Through our collaboration with Kinta Valley Watch, we have successfully located more than 30 new rock art sites between 2019 and June 2021. The rock art is represented by both red and black paintings, with a wide variety of motifs including anthropomorph, zoomorph, botanic, watercraft, weapon, animal rider, handprint, geometric shape, line art, and other abstract design. This discovery is instrumental to the contemporary rock art research in Malaysia and demonstrated a collective effort in rock art research through long-term collaboration with the local stakeholders. Kertas kerja ini merupakan satu sintesis hasil daripada projek pemetaan lukisan gua di Lembah Kinta, Semenanjung Malaysia. Melalui kolaborasi dengan organisasi tempatan iaitu Kinta Valley Watch, kami telah mengenalpasti lebih daripada 30 lokasi lukisan gua antara tahun 2019 dan 2021. Antara bentuk lukisan gua yang dijumpai termasuklah antropomor ik ( igura manusia), zoomor ik ( igura haiwan), tumbuh-tumbuhan, perahu, senjata, penunggang haiwan, gambar tangan, geometrik, seni garisan dan simbol abstrak. Jumpaan ini amat berharga untuk kajian lukisan gua di Malaysia dan memaparkan satu usaha bersama demi kajian lukisan gua melalui kolaborasi jangka panjang dengan komuniti tempatan.