Research Library

Philip Ivanov,
Marianа Usheva
Publication year2020
Publication title
ekonomicko-manažérske spektrum/economic and managerial spectrum
Resource typeJournals
The current study is a part of a larger empirical research project aiming to examine the interaction between human motivation and work outcomes. Based on our work on human motivation, we acquired data on the interaction between certain work outcomes, namely: propensity for staying at one’s current company; psychological tension; pride in working for one’s company; work engagement; work satisfaction; work initiative. The research was conducted in the form of a survey between April 2020 and June 2020. The group of respondents represents workers from various sectors of Bulgarian economy (n=145) and employees of a government-owned railway company (n=451), totaling five hundred and ninety-six participants. The main aim of the survey was to establish the interdependency and interaction between work motivation and outcomes in the workplace. The results examined in the study provide a proof of a strong relationship between psychological tension and three of the examined outcomes. A relationship was found between propensity for staying at one’s current company and pride one takes in working there, work satisfaction, work engagement; work initiative, and psychological tension. Furthermore, we managed to prove a significant link between company pride and satisfaction from work; initiative; propensity for staying at one’s company. In addition, proof was established of the interaction between engagement and satisfaction, company pride, propensity for staying at one’s company, work initiative. A strong relationship was therefore proven between the examined work outcomes for the selected group of respondents. We estimated the statistical significance of our model as well as the correlation between the variables. Consequently, the paper forms a contribution to the science of human resource management.
Subject(s)applied psychology , bulgarian , business , empirical research , engineering , epistemology , government (linguistics) , interdependence , job satisfaction , law , linguistics , marketing , mechanical engineering , moderation , philosophy , political science , pride , psychology , public relations , seniority , social psychology , social science , sociology , work (physics) , work engagement , working group

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