Research Library

Róbert Rákay,
Alena Galajdová
Publication year2019
Publication title
tehnìčnì nauki ta tehnologìï
Resource typeJournals
PublisherChernihiv Polytechnic National University
The urgency of the research. Modern trends in the automation focus on the implementation of new communication protocols, wireless data transfer and reduced costs. The communication part of every automation system is crucial, whether it isin the home or industry. Target setting. During the design of the automated systems and the connection of different devices solution, developers have to address different requirements as addressing, data rates, data security, etc. The newest communication protocols and data transfer technologies provide significant data rate and MCU load reduction. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. To prepare this paper, different free available datasheets and experimental solutions were analyzed as well as conclusions of our previous and other ongoing experiments were used to create theknowledge base about this research topic. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. There are many different communication solutions and every manufacturerof communication device provides its best solution. Not all of them can be described in this article. The research objective. The different communication technologies were analyzed for future implementation to a smart devices for home automation, in this article. The statement of basic materials. To propose a future model of home automation system, it is necessary to implement the newest communication technologies. Using the latest communication protocols, such as MQTT, CoAP or Websocket provides a good basis to solve this issue. Conclusions. The proposed paper provides possibilities of the communication for a smart devices of the home automation system. Compared communication protocols have different advantages and disadvantages. The tested protocols meet the communication requirements for home automation devices.
Subject(s)automation , communications protocol , communications system , computer network , computer science , embedded system , engineering , home automation , internet of things , mechanical engineering , mqtt , software engineering , telecommunications , wireless

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