Perbandingan Levofloxacin dengan Ciprofloxacin Peroral dalam Menurunkan Leukosituria Sebagai Profilaksis Isk pada Kateterisasi di RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Padang
Author(s) -
Marwazi Sofyan,
Alvarino Alvarino,
Erkadius Erkadius
Publication year - 2014
Publication title -
jurnal kesehatan andalas/jurnal kesehatan andalas
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2615-1138
pISSN - 2301-7406
DOI - 10.25077/jka.v3i1.29
Subject(s) - medicine , gynecology , levofloxacin , ciprofloxacin , antibiotics , microbiology and biotechnology , biology
AbstrakInfeksi saluran kemih (ISK) adalah keadaan ketika kuman tumbuh dan berkembang biak di dalam saluran kemih dalam jumlah yang bermakna. Diagnosis ISK ditegakkan berdasarkan manifestasi klinis bakteriuria dan leukosituria. ISK pasca kateterisasi merupakan penyebab terbesar infeksi nosokomial, dengan sumber kuman bisa dari penyebaran ascending (seperti penggunaan kateter), hematogen maupun limfogen. Antibiotik profilaksis perlu diberikan untuk mencegah infeksi, mengingat tingginya kemungkinan ISK pasca kateterisasi. Flouroquinolon saat ini masih direkomendasikan untuk profilaksis ISK, namun akhir-akhir ini banyak laporan tentang resistensi terhadap golongan ini, terutama ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin adalah golongan fluoroquinolon generasi kedua sedangkan Levofloxacin merupakan generasi ketiga. Di RSUP DR M Djamil, khususnya di SMF Urologi belum ada data mengenai perbandingan keefektifan levofloxacin dan ciprofloxacin ini terhadap profilaksis ISK. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian keefektifan levofloxacin dibandingkan dengan ciprofloxacin dalam menurunkan insiden leukosituria sebagai profilaksis ISK pada pasien yang dipasang kateter Foley. Metode: Subjek diambil dari 30 pasien yang akan dipasang kateter Foley, yang dibagi atas dua kelompok atas 15 pasien. Setelah pemasangan dilakukan urinalisis untuk menentukan kadar leukosit 5%). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan keefektifan antara Levofloxacin oral 750 mg dengan Ciprofloxacin oral 750 mg dalam menurunkan insiden leukosituria sebagai terapi profilaksis terhadap ISK pada pasien yang dipasang Foley catheter.Kata kunci: Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Leukosituria.AbstractUrinary tract infection (UTI) occurred when bacteria grow and multiply in the urinary tract in significant quamtities. The diagnosis of UTI is confirmed by clinical manifestations with bacteriuria and leukocyturia. Post-catheterization UTI is the biggest cause of nosocomial infection, with the bacteria spread in ascending (such as the use of catheter), haematogenous or lymphogenous fashions. Prophylactic antibiotic is needed to prevent infection because the probability of post-catheterization UTI is high. Fluoroquinolone is currently recommended for UTI prophylaxis, however, reports about resistance to it is accumulating, especially ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin is the second generation fluoroquinolone, and the later addition is Levofloxacin as the third generation fluoroquinolone. At RSUP Dr. M. Djamil, notably at the Urology section, no data is available regarding the comparison of the effectiveness between the two generations. It is therefore a research on this efficacy between those antibiotics in lowering the incidence of leukocyturia as the measure to prevent UTI in patients with Foley catheter. Method: Subjects are 30 patients with Foley catheter, divided into two groups of 15 patients each. After insertion of catheter, urinalysis was performed to determine that the lecocyte count was less than 10 per high power field of the microscope, and each group then received either Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin, 750 mg orally. Urinalysis was repeated three days after the catheter wa inserted. Results: No significant differnce was found in urinary leucocyte count between the two groups, either on the day cathete was inserted (p Fisher = 0.159) or three days after (p Fisher 0.097). There was no significant difference on the reduction of lucocyte count among the two groups (chi-square = 1.222; P>5%). Conclusion: There was no difference in effectiveness between oraly administered 750 mg Levofloxacin and 750 mg Ciprofloxacin in lowering the incidence of leukocyturia as prophilactic measures against UTI on patients using Foley catheter.Keywords: Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Leukosituria.