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Estetika Bawa dalam Karawitan Gaya Surakarta
Author(s) -
Timbul Haryono
Publication year - 2016
Publication title -
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2338-6770
pISSN - 2085-9910
DOI - 10.24821/resital.v16i1.1273
Subject(s) - harmony (color) , humanities , art , visual arts
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada garap vokal terutama estetika båwå untuk mencapai keselarasanbåwå atau carem.  Penelitian ini menggunakan perpektif musikologis dengan menganalisis berbagaiaspek yang berkaitan dengan estetika båwå dalam karawitan meliputi (1) teknik penyuaraan,pernafasan, dinamika, laya, dan kepekaan pathet; (2) jenis-jenis suara yang mendukung capaiankeselarasan sajian båwå; dan (3) pelarasan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa caremmerupakan perpaduan dari beberapa unsur musikal membentuk  satu  kesatuan yang utuh (atut), sehinggamenimbulkan keselarasan (runtut). Dengan demikian untuk mencapai båwå pada tataran carem harus memiliki unsur-unsur estetika: suara baik, larasan pleng, menguasai teknik penyuaraan, menguasai teknik pernafasan, mampu mengatur dinamika, mampu mengatur laya, memiliki kepekaan pathet,dan mampu memilih céngkok, sesuai dengan jenis suara. Pelantun båwå yang memenuhi persyaratanini dapat dipastikan telah mencapai carem..The Aesthetics of Bawa in Karawitan Style of Surakarta. This study focuses on the vocal creation,especially on the aesthetic of båwå, to achieve the harmony of båwå, which is called carem. This study isconducted by employing the musicological perspective, by which analyzing the various aspects related to theaesthetics of båwå karawitan style of Surakarta which include the followings: (1) the techniques of voicing,breathing, dynamics, laya, and sensitivity of pathet; (2)types of sounds that support the achievement of Båwå presentation; and (3) sound tunings. The results of this study show that carem is the combination ofseveral musical elements which form a whole unity (atut), so that it will create a sense of harmony (runtut).Therefore, in order to achieve carem, the singer of the båwå must at least have the aesthetics elements, suchas: 1) a good voice and accurate intonation, 2) a good command of vocal techniques, 3) a good commandof breathing techniques, 4) the ability to control dynamics, 5) the ability to regulate the laya (tempo), 6)the sensitivity to pathet, and 7) the ability to select céngkok, according to the type of voice. Thus, it can beascertained that a båwå singer who meets the above conditions will achieve carem.

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