Author(s) -
Trio Saputra,
Bunga Chintia Utami
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
warta lpm
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2549-5631
pISSN - 1410-9344
DOI - 10.23917/warta.v20i2.4054
Subject(s) - humanities , business administration , political science , business , art
ABSTRAK Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan ketrampilan kepada aparatur kantor keluarahan sidomulyo barat kecamatan tampan tentang perilaku pemberi layanan. Materi yang diberikan mengenai peraturan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara No 7 tahun 2010 tentang pedoman penilaian kinerja unit pelayanan publik, indikator yang dinilai dalam Penghargaan Citra Pelayanan Prima (CPP) yang digelar Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi ( Kemenpan-RB) menilai bahwa pelayanan prima dapat dilihat dari visi, misi, sumber daya dan sarana prasarana. tidak hanya dari sisi kemampuan dan kompetensi tetapi juga sikap dan perilaku SDM di lini terdepan layanan. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dikantor kelurahan sidomulyo barat kecamatan tampan kota pekanbaru. Metode yang digunakan dengan memberikan materi pelatihan melalui persentasi dan pelatihan perilaku pemberi layanan. Capaian pengabdian ini adalah terlaksanaanya kegiatan pengabdian sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dengan adanya perubahan mindset aparatur sipil negara dalam melayanan masyrarakat, jumlah peserta pengabian ini sebanyak 12 orang aparatur sipil negara kantor kelurahan. Peserta mendapatkan pemahaman dan ketrampilan tentang perilaku pemberi pelayanan untuk mewujudkan pelayanan prima.Kata kunci : perilaku pemberi layanan, pelatihan, kelurahan, aparatur sipil negara ABSTRACT The purpose of this dedication is to provide understanding and skill to the office apparatus offices sidomulyo west of handsome district about the behavior of service providers. The material given on the regulation of the State Minister of Administrative Reform No. 7 of 2010 on guidelines for the appraisal of the performance of public service units, the indicators assessed in the Prime Services Service Award (CPP) held by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (Kemenpan-RB) Prime can be seen from the vision, mission, resources and means of infrastructure. Not only in terms of ability and competence but also attitudes and behavior of HR in the forefront of service. This devotion is held in the office of the subdistrict of Sidomulyo Barat in the handsome sub-district of Pekanbaru city. The method used by providing training materials through the presentation and training of the service provider's behavior. The achievement of this devotion is the implementation of service activities in accordance with the expected with the change of mindset of state civil apparatus in serving society, the number of this propagation participants as many as 12 civil servants of state office of kelurahan. Participants gain understanding and skills about the behavior of service providers to realize excellent service. Keywords: behavior of service providers, training, kelurahan, civil state apparatus