Author(s) -
Paweł Świerczek,
Bartosz Wanot,
Adrianna Kosior-Lara
Publication year - 2016
Publication title -
periodyk naukowy akademii polonijnej
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2543-8204
pISSN - 1895-9911
DOI - 10.23856/1602
Subject(s) - theology , philosophy
Treatment, therapy and rehabilitation of heart diseases, as opposed to unnecessary transplantation and surgery, constitute the heart, the ethics and the professional oath of people performing these tasks. It is not money in the form of a bonus, but human life that is an essential part in this game, even if the patient became partially disabled, they would still want to live and be useful to society. The soul is the immaterial and immortal element animating the body and leaving it at the time of death. The soul is characteristic of animate objects endowed with breathing , as opposed to the dead ones. A predilection for the human body is a relative matter, depending on the taste of an observer or a life partner. It may be hard- working, slothful or lazy, virtuous, sinful or indifferent. The human body is inherently holy, sinless and it gives life pleasures not only to itself but also to the partner. Treatment,therapyandrehabilitationofheartdiseases,as opposedtounnecessarytransplantationandsurgery,constitutetheheart, theethicsandtheprofessionaloathofpeopleperformingthesetasks.Itis notmoneyintheformofabonus,buthumanlifethatisanessentialpart inthisgame,evenifthepatientbecamepartiallydisabled,theywouldstill wanttoliveandbeusefultosociety.Thesoulistheimmaterialandimmortal elementanimatingthebodyandleavingitatthetimeofdeath.Thesoul ischaracteristicofanimateobjectsendowedwithbreathing,asopposed1 Dr hab. PawelŚwierczek2 Dr n.med.BartoszWanot,Koordynator Instytutu Zdrowia i Pielegniarstwa,adiunkt, Akademia Polonijna w Czestochowie, b.wanot@ap.edu.pl3 Mgr piel.AdrianaKosior-Lara,InstytutZdrowiai Pielegniarstwa,AkademiaPolo-nijna w Czestochowie tothedeadones.Apredilectionforthehumanbodyisarelativematter, dependingonthetasteofanobserveroralifepartner.Itmaybehard- working,slothfulorlazy,virtuous,sinfulorindifferent.Thehumanbodyis inherentlyholy,sinlessanditgiveslifepleasuresnotonlytoitselfbutalso to the partner.