Præferencer for reproduktion? En analyse af den sociale stratificering af danske unges uddannelsesforventninger i henholdsvis 1968 og 2011
Author(s) -
Kristian Bernt Karlson
Publication year - 2014
Publication title -
dansk sociologi
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2246-4026
pISSN - 0905-5908
DOI - 10.22439/dansoc.v25i3.4877
Subject(s) - humanities , sociology , philosophy
Nyere forskning i social ulighed i uddannelse viser, at den sociale baggrund
sætter sig igennem unges uddannelsesvalg ud over de faglige meritter, som
man i demokratiske samfund typisk ser som nøglen til at bryde den sociale
arv. Artiklen belyser årsagerne bag denne regularitet ved at undersøge klasseforskelle
i unges forventninger til deres uddannelsesmæssige fremtid for to
kohorter af danske unge, der står foran deres første uddannelsesvalg, i henholdsvis
1968 og 2011. Artiklen tester en hypotese om, at sociale skævheder i
unges uddannelsesforventninger drives af én i familien rodfæstet præference
for fastholdelse af sociale privilegier over generationer. Den empiriske analyse
støtter hypotesen og viser samtidig, at de sociale skævheder i unges uddannelsesforventninger
stort set er uforandrede over de godt 40 år, der adskiller
de to kohorter. Yderligere analyser, der inddrager forældres forventninger til
den unge samt bedsteforældrenes uddannelsesniveau, støtter endvidere hypotesen.
Analysens resultater peger i retning af, at forskningen med fordel
kan rette blikket mod forventningsdannelsesprocesser i familien, hvis den vil
forstå, hvorfor den sociale arv kan være svær at bryde.
Kristian Bernt Karlson: A Taste for Reproduction? Social Class Differences in Danish Adolescents’ Educational Expectations in 1968 and in 2011
Recent research in educational stratification shows that social class background
affects schooling decisions among equally talented students. Class
inequalities in educational attainment therefore appear to have causes other
than the unequal distribution of academic merits, merits that usually are taken
to be the main vehicle of social mobility in Western democracies. This
article investigates the potential mechanisms behind this unequal distribution
by examining class differences in educational expectations among Danish
adolescents in 1968 and 2011. The paper tests the hypothesis that class differences
in educational expectations are caused by a preference for maintaining
social privileges over generations, a preference rooted in bosom of the family.
The empirical analysis supports the hypotheses. It shows that class differences
in expectations among equally talented students have been remarkably
stable over the four decades separating the two cohorts. Further analyses that
include information on parents’ expectation for the adolescent and on the
educational attainment of grandparents provide additional support for the
hypothesis. The paper argues that future research in educational stratification
would benefit from focusing on expectation processes located in the family, if
it is to fully grasp why class differences in educational attainment appears so
persistent even today.
Keywords: inequality of opportunity, education, social class, expectations,