Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu, Para Ibu Balita Dan Perspektif Tenaga Kesehatan Terkait Keaktifan Posyandu Di Kabupaten Aceh Barat
Author(s) -
Lasbudi Pertama Ambarita,
Asmaul Husna,
Hotnida Sitorus
Publication year - 2019
Publication title -
buletin penelitian sistem kesehatan
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2354-8738
pISSN - 1410-2935
DOI - 10.22435/hsr.v22i3.65
Subject(s) - diarrhoeal disease , medicine , diarrhea
Basic health research in 2007 showed the existence of the gap of IPKM (community health development index) among provinces, including Aceh province. Maternal and child health issue were important indicators in IPKM. This research aimed to determine knowledge of Posyandu’s cadres and mothers as well as the perspective of health of cer towards Posyandu activities. This was a qualitative study with participatory observation design. There were two areas (Puskesmas) chosen as the research location, and at each location was conducted focus group discussion (FGD) to the mothers and Posyandu’s cadres and in-depth interview towards the informant (health of cer). Generally, Posyandu’s cadres have good knowledge about maternal and child health, while mothers have less knowledge. The results showed that Posyandu has not been optimal in health service. This condition associated with low visits of mothers as well as the involvement of Posyandu’s cadres themselves. External factors (support of husband, family, social environment) could interfere the belief of mothers towards Posyandu services. Knowledge becomes an important aspect to in uence awareness and willingness of mothers to utilize the service of Posyandu.
Hasil Riskesdas 2007 menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan IPKM (Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat) antar propinsi maupun pada tingkat propinsi itu sendiri seperti di Provinsi Aceh. Kesehatan ibu hamil dan balita merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam IPKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan kader Posyandu maupun ibu balita serta perspektif tenaga kesehatan terkait kegiatan Posyandu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan disain observasi partisipatif. Terdapat dua wilayah terpilih sebagai lokasi penelitian, dan pada setiap lokasi dilakukan diskusi kelompok terarah terhadap kelompok ibu balita dan kader Posyandu wawancara mendalam terhadap kader Posyandu dan ibu balita, serta tenaga kesehatan. Secara umum pengetahuan kader Posyandu telah cukup baik, namun untuk ibu balita belum sepenuhnya baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan belum optimalnya pelayanan Posyandu. Ketidakoptimalan tersebut berhubungan dengan rendahnya kunjungan para ibu balita, maupun keterlibatan kader Posyandu itu sendiri. Faktor eksternal (pandangan suami, keluarga & lingkungan sosial) dapat menjadi unsur yang mempengaruhi keyakinan ibu balita terhadap pelayanan Posyandu. Pengetahuan menjadi aspek penting terhadap kesadaran dan kemauan ibu balita untuk datang ke Posyandu.