Applying the Life Cycle Analysis in the Construction of Social Housing in Cameroon: The Case of Single-Store Houses at the Sic Residential Area in Olembe (Yaounde)
Author(s) -
Aimé Elime Bouboama,
Mamba Mpelé,
Ngouadjio Alain Claude
Publication year - 2018
Publication title -
sustainability in environment
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2470-6388
pISSN - 2470-637X
DOI - 10.22158/se.v3n3p206
Subject(s) - physics
T h is study proposesananalysisa pp r o acho fthe life-cycle of twot y p eso f social housing of “ T 4single-storeyhouses ” .T h isistod eterminew h ichph aseo fthelife-cyclecallsf o rspecialattentioninthe processo freducingt h eimpacto fthissector ontheenvironment.I no r d ertosuccessfully carry outthis task,w ef irstcarriedou tageneralreview of theL C A asad ecision-makingguidingt oo l .T h en,w e alludedt osocialh ousingp r o jectsinCameroonastheimplementationf rameworko f ourguidingt oo l . Finally,a f terupd atingthed atabase ofsomecomponentso f thebu ildingsector,w ep roceededtothe implementationo nourtwosamples.Resultsob tainedh ighlighttheimportanceo ftheexploitation phase.More interestingly,considering allt welveenvironmentalimpactindicatorstakenintoaccount, theu tilizationph asethati n volvesexploitationandm aintenanceism o rep redominant,causing8 2t o86 %o fthetotalimpact,f o llowedb ytheconstructionphasew ith1 3to 18%,andt h enb ythed emolition phase with0 .01to 1%.A sconcernstheeconomicaspect,the utilizationphase remainsthemost preoccupying.Itrepresentsatleast65 %o ftheo verallcosto fthelifec ycle,f o llowedb ythe construction ph ase and demolition phase.