Open Access
Author(s) -
S.Hut. Priyono Suryanto
Publication year - 2016
Publication title -
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2460-8319
DOI - 10.21831/ltr.v15i2.11832
Subject(s) - mathematics education , computer science , philosophy , physics , arithmetic , psychology , mathematics
PENGEMBANGAN MODUL FILSAFAT BAHASA SCIENTIFICBERBASIS NILAI KEARIFAN LOKALSugeng Suryanto dan Agoes HendriyantoSTKIP PGRI Pacitanemail: rafid.musyffa@gmail.comAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan modul filsafat bahasa scientific berbasis nilaikearifan lokal dan filsafat bahas a kekinian. Dari validasi ahli diperoleh nilai sebesar 89%dengan kategori sangat layak, sedangkan hasil perhitungan angket respons mahasiswadiperoleh nilai sebesar 88,6% dengan kategori sangat layak. Setelah direvisi dilakukanuji coba secara terbatas menggunakan metode eksperimen single one shot case study danuji coba secara luas menggunakan eksperimen one group pretest-posttest. Berdasarkanhasil uji coba terbatas disimpulkan bahwa modul dikembangkan layak digunakan untukkegiatan pembelajaran pada mata kuliah filsafat bahasa di Jurusan Bahasa dan SastraIndonesia STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil uji coba pemakaian secaraluasdisimpulkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk kegiatanpembelajaran pada mata kuliah filsafat bahasa di Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra IndonesiaPerguruan Tinggi.Kata kunci: filsafat bahasa, scientific, kearifan lokal, dan modulDEVELOPING A MODULE OF SCIENTIFIC LANGUAGE PHILOSOPHYBASED ON LOCAL WISDOM VALUESAbstractThis study aims to develop a module of scientific language philosophy based on localwisdom values and contemporary language philosophy. From the expert validation, ascore of 89% was obtained, indicating that the module was very appropriate. Meanwhile, ascore of 88.6% was obtained from the students’ responses, indicating that the module wasappropriate. After a revision, a small-scale tryout was conducted through an experimentusing the single one shot case study design and a large-scale tryout through an experimentusing the one group pretest-posttest design. Based on the results of the small-scaletryout, it is concluded that the developed module is appropriate for learning activities inphilosophy of language at the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, STKIPPGRI Pacitan. Further, based on the results of the large-scale tryout, it is concluded thatthe developed module can be used in learning activities in philosophy of language at theDepartment of Indonesian Language and Literature in higher education.Keywords: philosophy of language, scientific, local wisdom, module